[QUOTE="Steppy_76"][QUOTE="AHUGECAT"] The Xbox 360 is far behind the Wii, and the PS3 is catching up in terms of sales, despite the Xbox 360's superior game library. Despite the Xbox 360 having a far better line-up than the original Xbox, it is BARELY beating it in sales (the Xbox 360 is only ahead by like a million this point in their lifespans). Here is why:
- No price drop. After 3 years the biggest price drop? $50. From $399 to $349. I mean even the PS3 has had a $200 price drop and its been 2 years. The Xbox 360 should be like at the $249 price by now.
This I agree with, though the RROD is the reason why they have kept the price up IMO. They don't want to have millions of potential faulty consoles out there. They have kept the price to a point where it keeps the PS3 at bay for the most part while they eliminate the RROD. Once the RROD is gone, I think they'll get much more aggressive with pricing as they won't have tens of millions of potential RROD'ers laying in wait out there.
It also has to do with the fact they want to make more profit after the Xbox lost billions of dollars. This is also why peripherals are also so expensive (which I should've mentioned in my first post). But the fact remains the Xbox 360 should be at least $100 cheaper than it is now.
A 199 20 gig, a 249 60 gig and a 300 elite sounds about right, but Sony isn't exactly exerting much force for them to drop to those pricepoints yet.
- It boched the Japanese launch. The Xbox 360 sold 25,000 units in Japan because of a hyped Japanese game (Tales of Vesperia). But when it launched, it had 7 games and only like 2 appealed to the Japanese. This has cursed the 360 throughout its whole "life"span in Japan.
It's kind of hard to get *** support when your last console bombed there, and the expectation was this gen being more of the same. The 360 having success in other regions forced japanese devs to support the 360 elsewhere, which now translates to them supporting it in Japan also since they already made the game for the other regions. Had the PS3 been ahead of the 360 in all regions like last gen, the 360 still wouldn't have japanese support.
MS is also buying a ton of games as well. MS should've been aggressive in Japan from the start. They should've helped finance a few Dragon Quest spin-offs for the first year there or something to help boost. But they didn't and now it's too late to bounce back really.
What games are they "buying"? They probably SHOULD have like you said. The only ones they are buying are the exclusives.
- Red Ring of Death. Disc scratching. I move my PS2, Wii, PS3, Xbox, etc. etc. while the disc is running and it doesn't scratch it. Heck the 360 scratched my Guitar Hero III even though it was off. I barely pushed it to put in the 360 guitar controller too. I guess I should be punished for wanting to play right?
The RROD is a huge problem no denying that. Why the heck do people move their console while they're on? I can't think of a logical reason to do so, especially with wireless controllers. Also, you scratched your GH3 disc while the machine was off? Why do I find that one a little hard to believe...did you try to use a slingshot to plug in the controller? Either way, buy a lottery ticket as I'm sure you're one of the only people to manage to do that, and 1 out of 20 million is pretty extreme odds.
Maybe you want to move it to a more secure location, or move it on a table or something. The fact is the 360 is the most poorly built console in history.
Once again, why? The ONLY reason would be if you have wired controllers, and there is still no reason to do so with the system on. I also think it is merely as crappy as the PS2 was...that system sucked just as bad.
- Developers aren't going to it. Microsoft is going to the developers. With the PS1 developers were flocking to Sony's system because of its CD capabilities and easy to work with 3D architecture. MS is trying to buy their way to number 1 but what they don't realize is that you can't do that - you have to earn it. Case in point: MS paid $50 million for "exclusive" GTAIV content, yet the PS3 version of GTAIV sold only 1 million less than the 360 version, despite the content advantage and having twice the install base.
Let's see any confirmation of MS paying for games to be multiplat. It's more of a case that Sony didn't pay to keep them exclusive. Also, MS didn't get pay to get GTA4. They paid for the content to attempt to give people choosing a console for GTA4 to choose the 360 over the PS3. That example doesn't prove the point you were trying to make. Last gen sony "earned" exclusives by being far and away the largest market. It's multiplat because neither company "earned" it.
PS2 "earned" its exclusives because of the PlayStation brand name. There's a reason games like Devil May Cry 4 and Final Fantasy XIII went multiplat - MS paid them and you can bet MS is trying to get Konami to release MGS4 on the system.
No, they went multiplat because Sony isn't the market king this time around. Without being the market king there was NO reason to still be exclusive. I don't think MS paid for games to simply become multiplat when not being exclusive was in the best interests of the devs/pubs.
- Microsoft isn't innovating enough. It's the same ole same ole. Yes, the game selection is great (one of the best of all time), but there's no unique titles really. The PS3 has the EyeToy and LittleBigPlanet coming, while the PS2 had Guitar Hero and EyeToy as well, and the Wii has WiiSports and WiiFit. What does MS have? SceneIt? Lips? Is this a joke?
360 has the live vision camera, and interactive games coming. LBP isn't all that innovative. It's a platformer with a level editor...what exactly is so groundbreaking? Didn't Lode Runner do the same thing 20 years ago?
Xbox 360 Live Vision Camera is a joke. And it doesn't have to be "new" to be innovative.
But it does have to bring something new to the table, and LBP really doesn't. If the PS3 weren't so exclusive starved it wouldn't be getting much attention. LBP will be largely forgotten within months of release. It's hyped almost by default.
- Even though MS' library is mostly same ole, same ole... it still doesn't have all the genres to make it a legendary system. While the Xbox 360 is getting tons of good JRPGs - it didn't get them until its 3rd year in the market. It waited too long so it started off slow. It has no decent platformers (with Banjo 3 being the light at the end of the tunnel).
The 360 still has the most games is nearly every genre in addition to the highest rated games in nearly every genre. In case you didn't notice, the PS3 won't be getting many entries in the same genres till there third year in the market either.
Um okay?
What point were you trying to make then? Most past systems didn't get "legendary" until the end of their lifespans...you're comparing the entire life of prior consoles with half of the 360's lifespan. I think things would have looked much different in the past if you only looked at the first couple years of those respective consoles life.
- Xbox Live costs money. With the PSN gaining ground and Home coming out later this year, people are going to get mad about Xbox Live costing money when it should be free.
The PSN has finally started to approach where XBL was in 2005, it has a way to go to catch XBL circa 2008. This argument is old, and has yet to show much merit. PSN will start costing money before XBL becomes free. WHY should it be free? It's a closed network. Would I LIKE it to be free...sure. Do I think it SHOULD be free...no. They are providing a service that I'm willing to pay for. Why isn't cable TV free? Over the air transmissions are. It's the same concept.
If PSN is free, so should Xbox Live. PSN is actually going to surpass Xbox Live this year, and MS knows it (thus Avatars and the like).
If PSN was as good as live, it wouldn't be free. PSN is kind of like a grab bag...you don't know what you'll get with game. All games on XBL have certain features they HAVE to incorporate. This statement makes me wonder just how much you've actually used the systems if you truly think PSN is going to surpass XBL this year(which is something we've heard since before the systems came out).
Until Microsoft can EARN first place instead of attempting to buy it, the Xbox brand will always be behind the PlayStation brand... and now the Nintendo brand.
In case you didn't notice, this gen the playstation brand is behind the xbox brand.
For now.....
and you've provided nothing but IMO heavily biased opinions to support that will change any time soon. The ps3 released one of their biggest guns and it made little more than a blip on the radar, and most of the rest of them are quite far off.
Opinions FTW!Yawn, the exact same stuff we've heard for three years, how about bringing some innovation to the arguments you present.
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