So... for the past three days I have defended Crysis. I believe it is not only knocking out any other game in the graphical department, but I also think it up's the anty in FPS gameplay through the added complexity it brings to us. This is one the first games that really makes me feel like this unstoppable one man army. Sure, games have attempted to do that in the past, but did so in a trivial way. This game however, makes it all... just make sense, if you will. As if this character I am playing, could have in fact been real. This of course is all due to the realism the game delievers in all areas; atmosphere, sound, physics, and interaction with the world.
Now, with this in mind. I have found it rather hilarious that when I defend this game from comments based on assumption, or sheer uneducated bantering, I am called a PC fanboy. Why? Because clearly, only a PC fanboy could comment positively on a game for the PC.
Odd. Seeing as I have been gaming on the PC and Consoles for the past 10+ years. Odd. Seeing as I in fact do own a 1080p HD tv for my console games, and can in fact see the game 'as it was meant' to be played, and can hence make experianced comments when comparing it to the PC. Versus the many in these other threads, considering their age, are more then likely to have their console hooked up to a SD tv. Technically folks, you aren't playing the game 'as it was meant to be played' - but don't worry, I imagine you will still be sticking around making baseless comments.
Of course, for those of you who have made legitamite concerns regarding the game. This is not directed to you, as I hope we can all admit, the game is not perfect and has it's flaws. Flaws larger and smaller, depending on the user.
With that said, I bring you... my setup (forgive the bad wire management, photos taken 2 months ago):
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