At best, exploits, dishonorable tactics.
Battlefield 1943 me and a friend would parachute onto the enemy aircraft carrier and get on separate water landing craft, mount the machine guns, and have coverage of the entire deck which was the team spawn point, and lay waste. This would get their team constantly spawning to try and kill us to no avail, instead of trying to capture or hold down flags. The game wouldn't count the kills but we'd get buttloads of points and a badge for ever two people we killed on a landing craft.
Battlefield Bad Company, on narrower maps on Rush Mode while playing defense, I would choose the sniper and hang out next to the ammo supply, and just endlessly spam Recon ballls toward the front lines and the team would know where each attack was coming from at all times, it wasn't even fair.
Also on BFBC1, on Rush Mode on offense for larger maps, while the team was rushing the A/B targets dying trying to plant a bomb, they can also be destroyed by direct attack, it takes longer but it works, so I'd get a tank and be well out of view of the target but I'd try firing over the horizon to hit it, while I'd have a friend with a view of the target correct my fire until I could repeatedly pummel it.
Either BFBC2 or BF3, I forget. For most part victory goes to teams who spawn right away at match start and acts fast. Though almost every team on maps with lots of vehicles starts their match with a traffic jam getting out of base. I'd spawn fast and get an ATV, throw C4 all over it, get to the enemy base bottleneck and go full speed at the vehicle bottlenecks. The match was always too early for anybody to see a kamikaze strike coming and my approaches often went ignored, and I'd jump off the ATV and detonate taking out multiple vehicles every time along with everyone inside them. Sometimes I'd die but worth it, other times anybody in position to kill me is dead so I sneak onto their base and wait for one of the tanks I destroyed to respawn, and take it, and roll it out back to our side and keep it alive from a rear position. By numbers, this affords a 2 tank advantage for our team over their's, and that disparity pretty much guaranteed victory.
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