@jg4xchamp said:
Nah that's a pretty dick move that skate by on getting criticism for.
Well yeah. Being a dick move and trolling players aren't mutually exclusive ideas. I'd say everything I listed falls into dick move territory, even if to varying degrees.
I'm sure it's been discussed to death, by all means, correct me if I'm wrong here.
But that absurd amount of Korok seeds, obviously the main idea is to be a safety net. Massive game, most players aren't going to see it all, make sure they get what they need. Nintendo didn't place that many just to be dicks.
Of course Nintendo knowing that some players will go the length to get them all, gives a final recognition for it even if in a trollish way.
I suppose they could have given the player something more meaningful, maybe some game breaking gear. At that point you've seen it all, who cares if you can go god mode in various ways. Or maybe reward the player with some sick cosmetics or a cool weapon. All kinds of actual cool shit they could give you.
But then that's also a bit of a dick move as you're locking some cool shit behind inane busy work. Not something skill based. Not something like previous Zelda titles where obtaining all collectables is actually reasonable. It would be a chore that takes longer than the game itself. I'd argue that would be an even bigger dick move to gate cool content in such a way.
I see Hestu's Gift being like other in game ranks or out of game chievos/trophies, just something that recognizes what you did. I've definitely done much more challenging optional shit in games only to be handed a rank, or in some cases nothing at all. Zelda handing me poop, or MGS telling me I'm a Foxhound, no big difference. The reward was me doing it.
Nintendo could have squashed the issue altogether. Once you reach the max amount of Korok seeds for inventory expansion, just turn the rest into rupees or some other item drop. Would slice the Korok completionist bar in half and your final reward would be the final inventory expansion.
But honestly, I feel they handled it well enough. Leaving all the seeds for those who want to go full completionist while also recognizing that it's an absurd amount of busy work to serve as a gate for a reward that people would feel compelled to unlock.
It being poop at least adds some humor. I'm sure there are countless ways Nintendo could have addressed/bypassed this "issue" on the design side, just don't think a better reward is the answer.
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