Moving on to the topic of Wii development, Doak said, "I think it's a good thing to do, and I think we want to put [TimeSplitters 4] on the Wii." While the game is still without a publisher and remains in a preliminary stage of development, Doak seems convinced that the TimeSplitters style of gameplay can be adapted to the motion controls made possible by the Wii Remote. On the subject of developing games based around motion controls, Doak was critical of using too many gesture controls just for the sake of being ambitious. "It's better to make a game that's enjoyable to play than a game that's got features that don't work."
As a parting tease for Nintendo fans, Doak touched on the subject of a remake of Free Radical's 2004 psychic-action game, Second Sight. "If you want to start a petition for remaking Second Sight on Wii, I'd like to see that as well." These days, it's certainly not unusual for developers to opine about bringing versions of their games to Wii, but given Free Radical's track record and past support of Nintendo consoles, these preliminary thoughts could well translate into something more than rumor and speculation.
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