Don't see any hype or talk about it..........honestly, i cannot wait.
Kinda hoping it's a little more like part 2 with no back story on joel and ellie (tho of course Ellie being the main character) Abby shoot on the game might be well worthy this time around. Due to prior complaints.
Honestly for gameplay, there is nothing like it. So addictive and above everything else.
so again system warriors what are your thoughts and what shall we expect.
Most people do not understand how refined TLoU2 gameplay is. They played TLoU1 and think its more of the same, "only story no gameplay". The transitions between stealth and action in TLoU2 are still the best made today imo. And the story wasnt as bad as people made it out to be. Some wokeness here and there but its done right for the most part, its not "in your face" wokeness outside of the lesbo kissing. You barely see it again
I'm sure my Last of Us 2 thread is still on the last page. No, story isn't good, nor is gameplay, and now I also know it makes no sense because of the deranged Zionism that influenced Druckmann. **** him. I hope that Israel's colonial murder project falls apart.
There's really not much to talk about for Part 3 as ND is focusing on their new IP game Intergalactic. It'll be a very long time for them to get Part 3 out of the way. What's the point to be hyped for it when we got nothing to work on? No leaks or anything like that.
If you want my honesty, I love the TLOU games, no hurry for Part 3 myself. I bet Part 3 will come out whenever Sony is ready to announce PS6. It could make a good launch title.
I elected to keep the last of us as a one game franchise. Still haven't found the desire to go in for more after the first game. I thoroughly enjoyed the first game and played it through several times. I have zero hype for anything else in the franchise. Move on please.
Who are they going to focus on, though? My read is that the stories of both main characters in TLOU2 are pretty much done, and there isn't an obvious new POV to shift to unlike TLOU1. Maybe Ellie could go on some sort of a redemption arc, but I think that's a bit counter to the grimdark hopelessness that is the core of these games.
I think ND are doing the right thing shifting to a new IP for now.
Not to torment myself for years and years like people who acted like they wouldn't be satiated in life until a new Shenmue sequel was made only to be blue balled in the end. I'll just look forward to what Naughty Dog's next IP is and leave it at that, and not waste an ounce of effort trying to foment doubt because it's not a TLOU sequel.
The gameplay, production values and attention to detail in TLOU2 was top tier but the story sucked and I have no interest in any of the characters that are left. A prequel with Joel and Tommy before he met Ellie would be about the only thing I'd be interested in but that doesnt really work as the final game in a trilogy.
Have no interest in it. TLOU 1 was one of the worst game that I played in the last decade. Neither the story nor the gameplay was anything. STill baffles my mind how did it win so many awards.
Have no interest in it. TLOU 1 was one of the worst game that I played in the last decade. Neither the story nor the gameplay was anything. STill baffles my mind how did it win so many awards.
To put it simply, the first Last of Us came out near the end of the 7th gen, there's a reason why it's the best game that came out in that period time as there was nothing like it on PS3. You had to be there when this game came out.
It's one of those good narrative games. It has a really simple story structure that just focuses on the characters, it uses plenty of tension and opposite personalities to bounce them off each other and highlight their characters for Joel and Ellie. And a great aesthetic and visual look to its gameplay that is grounded and even more grounded for Part 2 when playing it on the hardest difficulty, you really have to think how to deal with enemies with the limited items you have on.
Anyone who says TLOU/Part 2 is a masterpiece, it sure as hell isn't! No game truly is, but for me, I personally like them but I prefer Part 2 due to gameplay only as you was truly grounded gameplay. If you wasn't there when they came out...especially from the PS3 era, you wouldn't understand why it won so many awards and even won for best TV adaption as well.
Have no interest in it. TLOU 1 was one of the worst game that I played in the last decade. Neither the story nor the gameplay was anything. STill baffles my mind how did it win so many awards.
To put it simply, the first Last of Us came out near the end of the 7th gen, there's a reason why it's the best game that came out in that period time as there was nothing like it on PS3. You had to be there when this game came out.
It's one of those good narrative games. It has a really simple story structure that just focuses on the characters, it uses plenty of tension and opposite personalities to bounce them off each other and highlight their characters for Joel and Ellie. And a great aesthetic and visual look to its gameplay that is grounded and even more grounded for Part 2 when playing it on the hardest difficulty, you really have to think how to deal with enemies with the limited items you have on.
Anyone who says TLOU/Part 2 is a masterpiece, it sure as hell isn't! No game truly is, but for me, I personally like them but I prefer Part 2 due to gameplay only as you was truly grounded gameplay. If you wasn't there when they came out...especially from the PS3 era, you wouldn't understand why it won so many awards and even won for best TV adaption as well.
Yes, I played it when it first came out and yes, it was mechanically and structurally a trash game. I would rate Uncharted as a far more fun experience than TLOU. And no, it wasn't a good narrative driven game either. Neil Druckmann doesn't know how to write and fell into a same amateur writers trap of shock over substance/character development. That's why the show even though used the same plot differed widely in storytelling and spent a good chunk to develop characters, again showing the difference between good writers and hacks like Druckmann.
Have no interest in it. TLOU 1 was one of the worst game that I played in the last decade. Neither the story nor the gameplay was anything. STill baffles my mind how did it win so many awards.
To put it simply, the first Last of Us came out near the end of the 7th gen, there's a reason why it's the best game that came out in that period time as there was nothing like it on PS3. You had to be there when this game came out.
It's one of those good narrative games. It has a really simple story structure that just focuses on the characters, it uses plenty of tension and opposite personalities to bounce them off each other and highlight their characters for Joel and Ellie. And a great aesthetic and visual look to its gameplay that is grounded and even more grounded for Part 2 when playing it on the hardest difficulty, you really have to think how to deal with enemies with the limited items you have on.
Anyone who says TLOU/Part 2 is a masterpiece, it sure as hell isn't! No game truly is, but for me, I personally like them but I prefer Part 2 due to gameplay only as you was truly grounded gameplay. If you wasn't there when they came out...especially from the PS3 era, you wouldn't understand why it won so many awards and even won for best TV adaption as well.
Yes, I played it when it first came out and yes, it was mechanically and structurally a trash game. I would rate Uncharted as a far more fun experience than TLOU. And no, it wasn't a good narrative driven game either. Neil Druckmann doesn't know how to write and fell into a same amateur writers trap of shock over substance/character development. That's why the show even though used the same plot differed widely in storytelling and spent a good chunk to develop characters, again showing the difference between good writers and hacks like Druckmann.
Lol what? There is no game that blends stealth, third person shooting and melle combat as well as TLOU and TLOU 2 does it even better. The writing in the first game was and still is among the best in gaming. The writing on the second game is trash and the show sucked even worse.
@pc_rocks: He can't create anything beautiful, so relies on shock value and ugliness. Taught from childhood to hate Palestinians, to dehumanize. Said on his podcast and The Washington Post that it came from the hatred he felt. Only reason it didn't get more attention is because his country had not yet shocked people who never paid attention before with their brutality and delusion.
“I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post.
@pc_rocks: He can't create anything beautiful, so relies on shock value and ugliness. Taught from childhood to hate Palestinians, to dehumanize. Said on his podcast and The Washington Post that it came from the hatred he felt. Only reason it didn't get more attention is because his country had not yet shocked people who never paid attention before with their brutality and delusion.
“I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post.
Imagine saying this and thinking it's smart.
And this once again proves that the liberals are nothing but hypocrites who doesn't really care about justice or human values . Liberals aren't progressives but it further proved the saying PEP.
@locopatho: Not going to go in this any deeper. It has been explained countless times the shortcomings of TLOU in this forum. But it can be sum up in one sentence: Take away all the production values and not even a die hard cow will give it a second look.
@pc_rocks: He can't create anything beautiful, so relies on shock value and ugliness. Taught from childhood to hate Palestinians, to dehumanize. Said on his podcast and The Washington Post that it came from the hatred he felt. Only reason it didn't get more attention is because his country had not yet shocked people who never paid attention before with their brutality and delusion.
“I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post.
Imagine saying this and thinking it's smart.
And this once again proves that the liberals are nothing but hypocrites who doesn't really care about justice or human values . Liberals aren't progressives but it further proved the saying PEP.
What's PEP?
Druckmann drew parallels between The Last of Us and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict again on the official The Last of Us podcast. When discussing the first time Joel kills another man to protect his daughter and the extraordinary measures people will take to protect the ones they love, Druckmann said he follows “a lot of Israeli politics,” and compared the incident to Israel’s release of hundreds of Palestinians prisoners in exchange for the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2011. He said that his father thought that the exchange was overall bad for Israel, but that his father would release every prisoner in every prison to free his own son.
“That’s what this story is about, do the ends justify the means, and it’s so much about perspective. If it was to save a strange kid maybe Joel would have made a very different decision, but when it was his tribe, his daughter, there was no question about what he was going to do,” Druckmann said.
No, you ass. It's not a "cycle of violence," it starts and ends with Israel, and releasing hundreds of Palestinian prisoners whose land they violently stole for one Israeli should not have been morally difficult. Israel are the instigators, THEY created the nation through seventy years of brutal colonization, "mowing the grass" every now and then. Palestinians have the right to defend themselves and Israel has the right to be judged. Therefore, he can't even claim anger for the two Israeli soldiers killed in 2000.
The game’s co-director and co-writer Neil Druckmann, an Israeli who was born and raised in the West Bank before his family moved to the U.S., told the Washington Post that the game’s themes of revenge can be traced back to the 2000 killing of two Israeli soldiers by a mob in Ramallah. Some of the gruesome details of the incident were captured on video, which Druckmann viewed. In his interview, he recounted the anger and desire for vengeance he felt when he saw the video—and how he later reconsidered and regretted those impulses, saying they made him feel “gross and guilty.” But it gave him the kernel of a story.
That he ever was so angry tells us which side he is on.
“That’s what this story is about, do the ends justify the means...”
Israel doesn't give a **** about the means to the ends. No one takes greater joy in shooting kids in the head.
Ugly games from an ugly mind. Only a mind so perverted would think Ellie's revenge (and her mountain of bodies) warranted sympathy.
@locopatho: Not going to go in this any deeper. It has been explained countless times the shortcomings of TLOU in this forum. But it can be sum up in one sentence: Take away all the production values and not even a die hard cow will give it a second look.
"It has been explained", oh wow, I didn't realise! You're a fool lol, it's a masterpiece with universal critical and commercial acclaim, if it was a PC exclusive you'd have drowned in your own jizz when you played it 😂
I'm still trying to figure out why the first one was so loved.
Pretentiousness. Go back to the old reviews and see how little the substance is actually talked about. Used big words without explaining how it really played. Adam Sessler was one of the funnier examples. Nothing really about mechanics. Could have at least mentioned the fucked up aim assist.
Most people do not understand how refined TLoU2 gameplay is. They played TLoU1 and think its more of the same, "only story no gameplay". The transitions between stealth and action in TLoU2 are still the best made today imo. And the story wasnt as bad as people made it out to be. Some wokeness here and there but its done right for the most part, its not "in your face" wokeness outside of the lesbo kissing. You barely see it again
Guess the fans are tired of praising TLoU and the others are tired of shitting on it.
For me, it's just the next one in a series I don't care about. Games that focus on cinematics and animations over gameplay is not for me. "But TLoU has awesome gamplay!!". No, it doesn't. Maybe it does for Sony fans who aren't used to gameplay, I don't know. But even if it did, you'll only get to enjoy it in short bursts before the next cinematic.
@Litchie: oh stfu with that "hur dur sony games have bad gameplay hur dur" while praising lackluster gameplay such as Zelda or Gears. Nintendo is so good at gameplay is making the same cr4p pokemon mechanics for 30 years now
GoW has good gameplay, Ghost of Tsushima has good gameplay, TLoU2 has good gameplay, Astro Bot has good gameplay, Returnal has good gameplay, GT7 has good gameplay, Ratchet and Clank has good gameplay, and I could go on and on
Funny how these toxic forums underplay sony games gameplay while on the same time praise most lackluster Nintendo with basic gameplay mechanics. Being cinematic, wich I agree SOME sony games do interrupt gameplay sequences with cinematics too often at times, does not mean the mechanics arent there. Also, not being the best of said genre, does not also mean its straight out bad. GoW gameplay isnt as good as say DMC, but its definitely better than the other 80% of character action games out there
if you consult the official tlou2 graph, it doesn't paint a rosy picture.
but that little stretch of awesome when ellie arrives in seattle is arguably the pinnacle of movie games, which may sound like an oxymoron because movie game is a dirty word on here, but nonetheless, it's true. conceptually indiana jones in comparison feels positively archaic, and it came out four years later than tlou2.
it's the only part of the game from what i remember, and the official graph does seem to validate this, where naughty dog pull back from stop start, forced walking, heavy handed narrative horribleness and actually let you play, for long uninterrupted stretches in big open environments. and at times its glorious.
the rest of the game is an absolute mess. the idea to switch characters to abby mid-game and let you play her story for the alternative viewpoint, sounds quite cool hypothetically but its horrendously executed. i hope we never see a third, it doesn't need or warrant one, even if s2 of the tv show is a big hit.
what naughty dog did show with tlou2 though is that, when they put their mind to it, they can craft extremely good gameplay. and if that, rather than their interminable story telling, is the main focus of their next game, then there's hope
@locopatho: Not going to go in this any deeper. It has been explained countless times the shortcomings of TLOU in this forum. But it can be sum up in one sentence: Take away all the production values and not even a die hard cow will give it a second look.
"It has been explained", oh wow, I didn't realise! You're a fool lol, it's a masterpiece with universal critical and commercial acclaim, if it was a PC exclusive you'd have drowned in your own jizz when you played it 😂
LOL @ cows. Still trying to hide behind the muh excluizzze excuse. Sony titles haven't been exclusives for how long now? If it was a PC exclusive it wouldn't have gotten the acclaim it did because no one on PC would care just like no on on PC gave a sh*t about Sony games with the exception of Helldivers. PC gamers actually like to have gameplay in their games.
I elected to keep the last of us as a one game franchise. Still haven't found the desire to go in for more after the first game. I thoroughly enjoyed the first game and played it through several times. I have zero hype for anything else in the franchise. Move on please.
I agree. I'd say the first ended for most part, perfectly. I just didn't like how they Killed off Joel in the 2nd game not that he died. I've never played the 2nd and I don't ever plan to.
Hard disagree with all you TLOU2 haters. The game was perfect!...Joel took matters into his own hands on part 1... He payed that price in part 2.... We got to see both sides of the story play out.
@locopatho: Not going to go in this any deeper. It has been explained countless times the shortcomings of TLOU in this forum. But it can be sum up in one sentence: Take away all the production values and not even a die hard cow will give it a second look.
"It has been explained", oh wow, I didn't realise! You're a fool lol, it's a masterpiece with universal critical and commercial acclaim, if it was a PC exclusive you'd have drowned in your own jizz when you played it 😂
LOL @ cows. Still trying to hide behind the muh excluizzze excuse. Sony titles haven't been exclusives for how long now? If it was a PC exclusive it wouldn't have gotten the acclaim it did because no one on PC would care just like no on on PC gave a sh*t about Sony games with the exception of Helldivers. PC gamers actually like to have gameplay in their games.
"Cows", when I have a Link pic 😂
You moron, learn to read, I never said it was "good because exclusive", I haven't cared about exclusives since PS2. It's a stone cold masterpiece wherever it released, you're just asshurt by any console quality.
PC gamers have given it "Mostly Positive (39,326 reviews)" on Steam, so it's good to see the majority are correct about this masterpiece, you and your fellow bitter bitch boys must be the rest ;)
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