I know this is system wars. I know how things are and how they work around here. And, as I am sure most of you do, I get a kick out of some of the back and forth "debates and discussions" we have around here. The only time I honestly get a bit rankled is when some senseless, extreme, wigged out fanboy gets on here with seriously inane stupidity about my console of choice. Its a natural reaction when it happens to any of us, regardless of console-of-choice, because we spent our hard earned benjamins on them, so we naturally defend our decision. But discussing or debating whats better doesnt have to be, nor should it be, so vicious as it sometimes seems to get. What brought this to mind was the recent Mass Effect incident with Fox News. The gamer reaction to this author, in my opinion, was priceless. Then, I read an article someone else had a link to, and it was mentioning us, as a WHOLE, and what we are capable of. Here is a quote from that article...
Bound by global message boards, blogs, chat rooms and of course the games themselves, gamers are perhaps the single most intense subculture on the Internet - fiercely protective of their pastime and at ease with the byways of cyberspace.
Yes, we are an intense bunch. But we are all part of this "subculture" as they like to call it. The wars between the consoles here is actually GOOD for us as gamers, because with competition, each system will continue to make bigger and better things, and we all reap the benefits for it. But, I have seen people with sigs that say they "hate" lemmings, or "hate" cows, or sheep, or whatever, and it just takes away from the fun of it all for me, personally. Is it too late or impossible to hope we can keep things more light-hearted here? I know, I know... what I have said here wont amount to a hill of beans, or mean squat, but hey... I got it off my chest, at the very least. :)
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