News flash: FPS Gameplay is pretty much finished, there is nomore huge OMFG innovation that developers can do to make FPS "different" then COD4, Halo, etc.
But guess what they can do? CHANGE EVERYTHING ELSE.
- Atmosphere
- Graphics
- Animations
- Lighting
- Physics
^ALL of these things are done differently, and in my opinion, BETTER then ANY other FPS on the market right now. All of these things change the game completely and whether you want to admit it or not, it DOES make the game more FUN if it has the right combination of all.
I've played the beta, and I can tell you all right now that the physics alone make this game unlike ANY other FPS. The physics are VERY VERY life-like. That may turn some people off, but there's no doubt that the handling and physics of this game make tactics and movement very different from other shooters like COD4.
My point is, this isn't a game to be seen and judged, but to be played and judged, because it "feels" completely different from any other shooter because of the heavy reliance on physics.
Who on earth cares if Killzone 2 has innovation, is the gameplay as solid as Half Life 2? or Call of Duty 4? it looks like it's turning out that way, mix that with the graphics and animations and what more could you ask for? honestly? As IGN said Haters be damned because this game is going to be great.
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