I've decided that I want to get a handheld this year and it'll either be a DSi/XL or a PSP 3000. I saw an XL and a 3000 for the same price ($180) and I was wondering what I should get. I REALLY want a DS (again) since my last one got stolen and I sold my Lite but the 3DS release could be right around the corner so I don't think it's a good idea to get a DS right now, not to mention my sister has a Lite I could use (freaking pink though). As for the PSP, I've been wanting one for quite a while now but never got round to picking one up. Never owned one before so all games would be new experiences for me. Also there's no "PSP2" announced right? so I don't think it'll be obsolete in a few months :P As for games, these are what I want for each:
DS - Layton games, Last Window, Dragon Quest IX, Okamiden, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days and Re:Coded, Final Fantasy IV and maybe buy the old games I used to have like GTA Chinatown Wars, Mario Kart and Shin Megami Tensei and maybe the new Pokemon game.
PSP - I want one mainly because of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep but games like Tekken, Metal Gear Solid, Crisis Core FFVII, and Patapon look good.
Or I could use the money to buy more games for the PC and Wii and maybe just get another console instead. So tell me SW, what should I get?
PS: Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Oh and those prices are normal for where I live. Games and consoles here are a "little" bit more expensive.
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