Yep good old Tom giving harsh reviews again. Anyways the game got good reviews on other websites but Tom didn't like this game at all.
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@Gamerno6666: Tormentos doesn't post here anymore. He got hit with the worst Hurricane in Puerto Rico and told us he only post here very rarely but not much else.
Oh man. This just made sad. I hope he is doing alright now. :'(
Let me guess: he couldn't figure out the controls?
Ah... bugs. Well bugs are bad. And I do agree that the writing is pretty terrible. I would have given it higher than a 4 but I don't remember encountering any bugs, and gladly never lost my progress.
Don't care about this game, but I do remember having a conversation with this reviewer a few years ago on a game he reviewed. Don't remember the game or all the details of the conversation, but he had replied to a comment of mine on one of his reviews, and I remember he said something along the lines of him not really liking the numerical score aspect of a review because it didn't convey his opinions about a game accurately(something along those lines).
So best to read his text review, and see where you stand....some people will agree with him surely. If you agree more with the positive reviews, go for it. It's nice to have different opinions sometimes. It bothers me when I read a review of a high-profile game and I can tell the reviewer is not experienced in the genre, but as long as the communication is clear, I am able to determine that for myself and seek 2nd opinions. No point in getting upset about a number even if his opinion is in the minority, because you'll always have people like that no matter the game.
If he is as harsh as people say he is then it would be hilarious for him to review The last of Us 2 lol.
If he is as harsh as people say he is then it would be hilarious for him to review The last of Us 2 lol.
It would be so funny I actually want it to happen. System Wars will explode again if the game gets an 8 in gamespot, but 10's everywhere else. Please gamespot gods let Tom review it!
@needhealing: Well then it only makes sense for him to since he reviewed the last game.
Hopefully it happens and he tears it a new one, i would love to see this place go apeshit. Could you imagine the cows would be calling for his resignation, and we would see another petition for Gamespot's review to be taken down on metashitic, like they did for UC4 review from the Washington posts one LMFAO.
Or he could give it a 10 and watch cows be hypocrites and praise him for it, either would be good for me :)
@i_p_daily: Not so much harsh as inconsistent. Basically I would take his review and remove the thing he is complaining about the most and how that affected the score, to get a review that is something you could use.
Yep good old Tom giving harsh reviews again. Anyways the game got good reviews on other websites but Tom didn't like this game at all.
Hmm, Gamespot must have laid off a bunch of people since they have begun to use Tom on a regular basis.
But good to see someone is not falling off their chair with absolute devotion for a switch game.
I liked those bridge builder games... when they were free flash games, 10 years ago.
I at least hope he's taking the time to learn how to play the games he reviews these days.
Oh, fun, what Nintendo game did he worship insufficiently?
He did it to inFAMOUS 2 (healing mechanic), Skyward Sword (bow controls), and one of the Prince of Persia games (camera controls). He rescored the last game because of his error. He has a bit of a history of not paying attention to some pretty important game mechanics.
All those idiots who welcomed him back. He was a moron then, he's a moron now. All we need now is Carolyn Petit to come back and tell us all how the games we play are immoral and make her "uncomfortable" again and for the site to bring back that video series of a hipster attacking the people who dare to make comments on their articles and we will have come full circle.
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