[QUOTE="DarkLink77"]Can't complain about the system itself. The tech is impressive for a console, and the new features look good.
Only thing I'd complain about is what they showed in terms of first-party games. More Killzone, more inFamous, some guy j*zzing himself on stage over virtual cars, Media Molecule wasting their time on a peripheral no one cares about, and some game with a stupid robot.
When the best things you're showing are being developed by third parties like Jon Blow, Ubisoft, Bungie, Blizzard, Square, Capcom, etc, you know your internal teams have problems.
Its been proven mulitples times over how much of a delusional sony hating troll you are So no one cares what you have to say about anything playstation related! Youre opinion is irrelavant and means nothing! Do you understand that? Its also funny how you say you are upset with "more killzone and more infamous" Yet you aren't upset with Microsoft shoving the same old and boring Gears/Halo/Forza sequels down every ones throats year in and year out! Where is the outrage from you about that? Speak up! But yeah, you wont ever say anything about it because you are a delusional troll! You accuse Sony of things Microsoft is far far more guilty of And thats what makes you a troll. Never mind that Killzone is a next gen title and will have come out 3 years since the last killzone game came out! And we havent even seen that much of infamous! The fact you would complain about more killzone and more infamous is simply beyond absurd If sony didnt announce those games, then im sure haters like you would have come out and said," where are the exclusives, omg they are doomed" You losers will always find something to complain about Look, your whole playstation hating shtick is simply played out!Proven delusional hating troll? You mean how I was praising the console and the tech and the ideas behind it? Pfft. Okay, brofists.
Um... yeah, I am upset by Microsoft's first party because it blows. Forza is boring and always has been, Halo sucks now that 343 has their filthy hands on it, and Gears is played out. And I've been saying all those things forever. Selective reading must be a b!tch.
Don't care. More Killzone is more Killzone. It's still boring and played out.
Guessing inFamous will look like more inFamous. You know, sequels and all that.
Why? So it's cool to complain about one series being played out but not another? Double standards are fun, yo.
I would rather have had then trot out the big guns like Team Ico or SSM or Naughty Dog. Instead they trotted out all of their B-teams and you expect me to be impressed? What they did is like Microsoft trotting out 343i: disgusting.
But whatever, man. I have zero f*cks to give about your opinion.
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