I was not interested in Too Human until I saw the interview at GDC. Before I thought the game looked boring, but now I completely changed my mind.
I think Too Human might turn out to be one of the best console games in a long time. It might turn out to be better than Mass Effect, and ME is now one of my top 10 games of all time. The combat seemed so slow before, but now it looks fast. It reminds me of Shinobi for ps2 or Ninja Gaiden for xboz. This one part he is speeding between lots of dudes and attacking them so fast, man that looks fun.
The RPG elements seem great too. But the story is what really interest me. I like mythology and Norse mythology is interesting. I also like alien conspiracies. I actually believe a lot of the old gods were ET and that is the premise of this story.
The amount of weapons and character customization is overwhelming and cool as hell. To bad PC players are not getting this title.
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