OK, let me just say that Silicon Knights are really good developers who madeEternal Darkness, one of the highest rated games on gamecube.TooHuman has also been getting consistently better in graphics andgameplay. Here are some of themost recentpreviews.... well, sorta' recent
IGN too human hands-on:
Flashbacks are just one cinematic tool that Silicon Knights is using in an attempt to better marry the story and game into one experience. The interactive cutscenes are all done using the game's engine, which allows for seamless transitions between story sequences and straight gameplay. And when we say seamless, we mean it. As long as we didn't push a button to skip a cutscene, we didn't see a single loading screen after the initial start up. None. Not even a "now loading" text prompt while the game pauses could be found. It all streams in from the background without any break in the action.
The cutscenes are worth watching, too. Using advances in animation and visual fidelity, Silicon Knights appear to have brought a subtlety not often found in games to the story of Too Human. The cutscenes we saw were filled with dialogue, but a second layer of intrigue could be found on the faces of those involved. We only played the game for an hour, but already could see how much easier it would be to relate to the minor characters who were fleshed out with shy, worried looks and furtive glances.
Gamespot hands-on:
At this point, we're considerably more excited for Too Human than we were prior to our trip to Canada, but there's still an awful lot that we don't know about the game. For example, will players of radically different levels feasibly be able to play through the campaign together? Will groups need a healer and a tank to stand a chance of succeeding against enemy bosses? We look forward to bringing you the answers to these questions and a whole lot more in the not-too-distant future.
Teamxbox Hands-on:
There's a fairly steep learning curve to Too Human, but those willing to give up the camera control reins will adapt to the control scheme in a few minutes. In its current state, Too Human could use a small amount of balancing and some framerate tweaks, but other than these few issues, SK's long-awaited 360 title is rock solid. The mixture of ****c melee and modern ranged weapons is exciting when concentrating on the third-person action aspect of Too Human. Regardless of if you are into Norse mythology or not, the tie-ins work here too, especially when peppered with the sci-fi punk aspects of Too Human's futuristic elements.
--- I have faith in this game, and I'm sure others do. Heck, If cows can believe in Killzone, I think I can believe in Too Human. Keep in mind, there has been games whose first showing didn't turn out to be well just like Too Human. Some of those games turned out to be really good at the end. Halo anyone?
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