Ok is it just me but whenever a game comes out for ps3 (exclusive) that the reviews are always lower than another xbox exlcusive when u HONESTLY knw that its better than say such a game? Also wth is up wit all the KZ2 bashing?! is it just becuase it didn't flop? IT WASNT supposed to be a halo killer it was just supposed to be a really great game and guess what ,,,,IT IS! so seriously stop hating on the ps3 for no reason i have seen TOO much of this ps3 hate. BTW how did a game like gears 2 get higher scores than say a game like MGS4 when i can honestly having played both say which one is better. I guess this will come of as a fanboy ish post but dont lie to ur self saying what i just said isnt tru cuz it REALLY is!
Admit it or dont admit it. U knw its tru!
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