[QUOTE="timmy00"]They share a lot of things but I wouldn't call them the same website.
They do share the same game forums though. :P
THat aside, I have to wonder what's the point TC? Gamefaqs' top ten costantly changes depending on which game is recently released.
Reason for this thread, 1st I'm kind of tired off all these Crysis 2 threads so I wanted something new for once. 2nd it's interesting to see what the PS3 and X360's most discussed and played games and how the differ from each other.
It is interesting to see the differences in what's popular on each of the systems, but this has a very narrow field of view. I'm not sure a snapshot of what's being talked about today or this week on a semi-popular website for gaming is in any way reflective of what the Playstation and X-Box owning masses are talking about, playing and buying on their respective systems, which is what you're after.
There probably isn't a good source of facts for the kind of discussion you're wishing to start, even the periodic sales data that gets released isn't much help as its always targeted at one region or another, and the only site I know of that combines them all into one (vgchartz) is highly controversial with System Wars.
Rather than present people with a list that isn't very reflective of the topic, that might rub people the wrong way if it happens to be at odds with their personal experience, it might be better to take a more open approach of just asking System Wars what are the X-Box owners you know talking about, and of what are the Playstation owners you know speaking?
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