I thought we were over that whole kiddie/mature argument by now. As I said before, true maturity shines through in gameplay, not in its presentation. I don't understand how games with a darker and/or more realistic presentation and more blood flying around the screen are suddenly more mature. The games you mentioned are great by the way, but I don't understand how this maturity thing should matter if you're playing a fantastic game.
The games I listed aren't using blood and violence as a way of being mature, they are using a deep story with profound morals and ideals, that's what I consider mature not blood and guts. A game like Galaxy is focused on being fun and entertaining and it is, but a game like SotC is focused on being mature and making you think, and I don't mean think as in solving a puzzle, I mean reflecting on what's going on, on diferente themes etc.I too have trouble understanding the idea of "mature game" here in System wars. Some people call games like Gears of War and Halo mature games. Well I played them and there was not a deep story nor a complex gameplay element. Sure the stories deal with death, war and stuff but the setting can't make a game complex (or mature for that matter I still don't get the exact understanding of it here as I said). Metroid Prime is a lot more complex than Halo and Gears of War series combined. Hell look at God of War, it's a melodrama with Greek gods. The main pratogonist has no character whatsoever, he speaks like, acts like a mindless berserk. So why is that mature and Mario is not? Because you can ripp people's heads in GOW?
I doubt most of the people using the "mature games" phrase are not even mature themselves and lack the understanding of it's meaning. Don't get me wrong I'm not attacking you as your examples are perfect. MGS 4 is truly a mature game and yes it's artsy (by your term) I did not played shadow of collosus but I played Ico and that was exceptional too. Heavy Rain is also a great example. Your argument about mature games are valid but most of the people do not think like you.
There is a distinction between games like Mario and MGS 4. However, this is the gaming medium we are talking about, games are meant to be fun first and deep second. Of course it is your right and opinion to prefer deep, complex and mature games but games that are only fun in nature should not be criticised for this.
I'm a literature student, and I know what art really is and gaming medium is no way near to achive something like that no matter what these gaming sites says. If you really want to dwell in dark and "mature" side of the human nature, you should be reading books not playing games.
Of course this is all but my opinion.
Good post and I agree, Gears of War for example is not a mature game, there are few mature games, and I do love cinema and literature, but I also love gaming and other arts. I first started gaming simply for the fun aspect, it was entertaining and I loved it, Metal Gear Solid 1 was probbaly the first game that changed the way I looked at the medium, from there I saw massive potential, Shadow of the Collosus cemented my hope that gaming could in fact become a relevant art form.I don't mean to take away from the "fun" games, I love those too, it's just the artsy games are the ones that stick with me years after I've played them, they have the same soul so many great works of art have, that thought evoking mysteriousness that resonated with you long after you've put the controller down. I now look at gaming as a simple medium, it's all up to the artist to create somehting worthwhile, we need to keep up demand and we will force dev's to cater to us, eventually more and more great creators and artists will join the industry.
I highly recommend playing SotC, if you liked ICO you'll probably like SotC even more and it's quickly becoming the game of reference when talking about games as art. It truly turns stereotypical gaming conventions on it's head, it's truly unique and very strong morally and emotionally.
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