1.Dues Ex,PC, Bottom line this game just has it all great graphics for it's time,great story great gameplay great weapons,great RPG elements. This is a TRUE CLASSIC on PC version.
2.Two Worlds,360, I know i better get my flame shield out for this one. But let me tell you this is a game for older gamers with patience. And you will see the true beauty of this game. Yes it has bugs. But this game is like Diablo+Oblivion+Champions Of Norwath. And if they get the online fixed this game could be AMAZING fun online. Anyway This game is a love it or hate it kind of game. Your either going to love it or your going to hate it. Well I love it it is way more fun stacking your weapons and creating potions and the combat is just funner then the bland oblivion. Also on a good HD TV this game looks freaking GREAT.This is my personal game of the year. It smokes any Zelda game thats for sure. This could be one of the most under appreciated games of alltime by those who are younger with less patience.
3.Rygar,Nes WOW for it's time this game was truly AMAZING it had RPG elements and amazing graphics and story on the Nes system. A lot of people let this gem slip under there radar back in the day. But the ones who played it like me will have nothing but fond memorys of this little gem.
4.RE1,PS1. Yes this game started it all. And as i remember there was no hype for this game at the time if you were lucky to see it and say lets give it a try you would come away saying this is one of the most amazing games EVER especially if you were a Zombie fan. Oh and yet it had TERRIBLE voice acting. But it was still GREAT.
5.HL1-HL2,PC Both are amazing games and if you have not played them then well what kind of gamer are you? Exception presentation and gameplay with exceptional online play in TF Classic and looks like TF2 is looking to blow us away in a few months when it releases.
Honorable mentions, Super Mario Bros, Nes, just a classic everybody love that one. Castlevenia on the Nes another classic,Zelda for you Zelda fans.
Keep this in mind I'm a sports gamer and shooter fan mostly but man if it is a dam good adventure game or RPG then this is why i put these games at the top. And before you SLASH me to pieces for my #2pick just play the game for what it is and learn it and you will see there is some amazing fun and addicting gameplay to be had.
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