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Look at it this way, all of 360's big hits were in 07, sure a couple things in 08 but the after that its almost dead. PS3 hasn't even dropped any 1st party big guns yet except Gran Turismo 5 pro. Expect the PS3 to be around another 8 years. 360 might have a good 3 years left AND THATS IT. Personally, i'd say right now the PS3 is the smarter buy.caseypayne69
That has absolutely nothing to do with buying a game.
PS3 and 360 both get some DLC but 360 get some "eposodic content" whatever thats means that's your only difference between the version. you you don't care about DLC then ask your selve which online you like more and which controller you like moreRagashahs
You make sense with this post, i have never really been a fan of xbox live for some reason maybe just lots of bad impressions every time i am online with stupid people(Not to say all are bad online just what i have encountered). I have always played GTA on a PS, but that episodic content is pretty big but if it will eventually come no mater if a few years then i can wait. Only sad thing is the Episodic content may cost a pretty penny too, thanks for the replies
Get the XBOX 360 version it's simple really.. No ammount of petty framerate differences or minor graphical differences beats more content. The episodes are hours of content not just some free gimmick you get in the game.Dahaka-UK
You'd think that, but what if you don't see yourself playing the game in a year or so? :|
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