Game Informer just gave Call of Duty 4 a 10-will most defiantely be GOTY
i think gs will prob give it to halo
there doesn't seem to be a clear winner like last year with Gears
what do you guys think?
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Game Informer just gave Call of Duty 4 a 10-will most defiantely be GOTY
i think gs will prob give it to halo
there doesn't seem to be a clear winner like last year with Gears
what do you guys think?
Game Informer just gave Call of Duty 4 a 10-will most defiantely be GOTY
i think gs will prob give it to halo
there doesn't seem to be a clear winner like last year with Gears
what do you guys think?
Gamespot GOTY 2007 (Group Bet)
(0) Assassins Creed (360/PS3/ PC): (0) Bioshock (360/PC): (0) Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat (PC/360/ PS3): (0) Crysis (PC): (0) God of War II (PS2): (1) Halo 3 (360): Agentfred, (5) Mass Effect (360): MigElite, Sir_Crocidile, cyborgjak427, ---OkeyDokey---, astiop, (1) The Orange Box (360/PS3/PC): Wartzay (0) Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3): (2) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii): FireEmblem_Man, Weslii, (0) World in Conflict (PC):
Losing teams must wear an Ownage sig created by the winning team for 1 month. The ownage Sig cannot be anything against the TOS. If none of these teams win and a game is picked that's not on our list then all teams will not lose However, all teams must then post in a thread created by KCPP2B praising the winning GOTY that is not listed in this Group Bet.
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