The year is pretty much done sorry but Death Stranding will have to wait for another time.
The question is what is your game of the decade? there can only be one game you can add some honorable mentions but what game is your game of the decade? 2010-2019.
My answer has to be GTAV and it has zero to due with MP it's all about it's singleplayer here's why I picked it for my game of the decade.
- Amazing 3 protagonist gives the game more variety and character
- The open world itself is beautiful
- The soundtrack is amazing by Tangerine Dream sets the LA vibe perfectly
- Gunplay feels great granted it's no F.E.A.R. or Max Payne but it's still satisfy especially getting multiple headshots in a row
- Trevors dialogue in the game is funny and crazy but most important he sounds like what a real crazy person would sound like
- Driving and flying feel great
- The satire and humor
- The game is just fun to play plain and simple it's my most replayed game this generation ever since I first played it on PC in 2015
Honorable mentions
Max Payne 3
Sleeping Dogs
Red Dead Redemption 2
Far Cry 3
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