The Wii sat for weeks without anyone playing it....and thats a rare thing in my house, we're all a bunch of gamers....but the Wii games get old really fast.
So i went back to a good ol' Gamecube and got games like RE-4, Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion, Soul Calibur 2, Paper Mario, LOTR Third Age, Freekstyle, Baldurs Gate D.A., Timesplitters 2, X-Men Legends, SSX 3 and many more.
Before anyone mentions it, i had one of the newer manufactured Wii's that was not backwards compatible, so thats why i traded up and got the Gamecube.
Now i have 20 games and there are still many more great ones to track down, like these 1st party goodies Zelda WW, SSBB, SMS, Pikmin 1 & 2.
Gamecube far exceeds the Wii as far as the great games go.
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