Its looks so amazing.!!
Another generic pancake FPS? Pass.
lol PRS. you have not changed since old GT days.
this kind of FPS we need. slow mo FEAR style.
I tried the demo. The gunplay is fun and gory. The voice overs for the soldiers are good too. However, the level design is shit and the game is not optimized. I was getting huge frame rate drops without maxing out my hardware. I also had to unlock developer mode to enter a command to unlock the frame rate past 62fps. I still think the game has potential, but it is little more than a proof of concept at this point.
I downloaded the demo yesterday it's better then F.E.A.R. 2 easily just in terms of gunplay alone I never bothered with FEAR 3 so I can't say anything about the gunplay in those regards for that game. But yeah the over the top ragdolls in Trepang2 is fantastic. I'm so glad they went that route I felt like I was playing an Alpha version of what F.E.A.R 2 should of played like a big thumbs up for Trepang2. Agree about the visual filter being bad though but regardless I haven't play anything this satisfy gunplay wise since Superhot VR.
Looks like it has potential but at the same time the video made it extremely easy and with no challenge. FEAR has excellent AI, gunplay on top of just slomo shooting.
Yeah no one mentions the AI in FEAR which, frankly, has not really been surpassed imo.
I'll never forget being flanked for the first time in a game by a non-player character, and it was in FEAR. Also flushed out with grenades, too.
I downloaded the demo yesterday it's better then F.E.A.R. 2 easily just in terms of gunplay alone I never bothered with FEAR 3 so I can't say anything about the gunplay in those regards for that game. But yeah the over the top ragdolls in Trepang2 is fantastic. I'm so glad they went that route I felt like I was playing an Alpha version of what F.E.A.R 2 should of played like a big thumbs up for Trepang2. Agree about the visual filter being bad though but regardless I haven't play anything this satisfy gunplay wise since Superhot VR.
That's a good endorsement, I might have to check this out. Love SUperhot.
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