This is a big article so bear with me, it is worth reading, we can discuss about it =D
It has been interesting for the gaming world in the past year and a half, we had big AAA titles come to
consoles and pc, yet I feel they lack something I cannot put my finger on, either way here goes. Now for
starters Halo 4 is a game that I was anticipating big time and when I got it it just didnt felt right, for the
campaign Im going to say it has a cool story based of some books to my knowledge but for the gamers
that only followed the game story is just a giant mess, the gameplay is what you expect to be, but with
the addition of the new enemies its just feel weird in my opinion, the big  prometheans are cool to fight Â
but the crawlers and watchers aka (dogs and flying bastards), they just felt stupid.
         Digging deep into the story the interaction between chief and Cortana didnt feel like in
previous games, this was more of a hero- whining girl interaction rather than a hero- A.I. interaction,
Cortana had pretty much a human  mindset in the way she talked rather than being the A.I. character she
had in other games, the ending was weak rather than the awesome endings of halo 1, 3 or reach, so yea I
wasnt amazed by the campaign. N
Now the real problem comes in multiplayer, they brought the BR back all right but the weapon is not as
accurate as the dmr so the 90% of people uses dmr, the new grenades are useless, I rather have my
flame granades from halo 3 which we never had in online multiplayer than this crappy granades, now the
gameplay of the standard team slayer just got messed up, let me put it this way, Â halo multiplayer works
with everyone spawning with the same weapons and then you have to fight your way for power weapons,
now im sorry to say but they made it like call of duty a little bit with the new ordnance drops (killstreaks),
this defeats the fun in halo multiplayer, ordnance drops now turns one team into camping in one corner,
killing from a far distance call more weapons and repeat, this is no fun at all at least not in halo, now the
game shipped with not many maps which nowadays the dlc strategy is working wonderfully for gaming
companies but I hate it.
If I pay 60 or more bucks in my country I should have a complete game, I am seriously considering making
an anti dlc campaign because it is just stupid, you are paying for some dlcs that are already in the disc
but blocked, mass effect 3 anyone???, of course there are some freaking awesome dlcs but they are few
and far between like dark souls dlc which is amazing, but paying for a dlc that has 3 maps????? Really????Â
That pisses me off, do not buy dlcs from any game it, will teach the gaming companies a lesson and they
will begin making games the old fashioned way. All in all halo 4 doesnt have an amazing campaign or
multiplayer component, it is just average, I cant compare it to the halo 3 multiplayer or the awesome
campaign from reach, period.
Moving on, Gears of war: Judgment sigh this game is just using the unreal engine, the gears
characters, the gears trademark in general but it is not a gears of war game, believe me, the campaign is
a big pile of shit, sorry to people can fly, they made Bulletstorm which in my personal opinion is a fun
game, but this was an arcade mess, the story was weak, so was the dialogue, I wasnt connected to any
of the characters, even with Cole which was a badass is just plain stupid here, it doesnt add up anything
to the story, it doesnt add up anything good to the gameplay.
On the contrary it takes away some basic trademark awesome stuff in this game, again they made it more
simple, you can only hold three weapons instead of four, dont ask me why but that was actually cool to
have, they removed the ability to plant granades on the ground or wall, the new weapons are not that
cool and they just **** up the hammerburst, they took out horde mode and put it in some sections of
the campaign and some on the multiplayer with the new beast mode or whatever???????? Wow really, and
the multiplayer has like just 6 maps divided in the various game types, this felt like watered down dlc of
gears 3, luckily I can change it back for gears 3 and all is good.
This is a sensitive one Resident Evil 6, bare with me ok?... I am not the biggest fan of resident evil
games, for me the best game in the franchise is RE 4, it just had that balance on survival and action with
the mix of clunky controls that make you panic like a little girl and poop your pants, for starters the
survival part is gone, this is a third person shooter with the resident evil game on it, now the game has
much more refined controls but since RE 5 the franchise in terms of survival gameplay has gone down,
now dont get me wrong RE 5 and 6 are amazing coop games, they are truly one of the most fun coop
games period, but in essence the resident evil gameplay is gone, Resident Evil 6 is not a survival horror
game anymore, it shifted in something different, if I ask you today about Mario, Zelda, Metal gear Solid,Â
metroid, starcraft, you know what genre it is, the gameplay evolved in some way but in essence you do
the same things in game like years ago in the first games, call it platforming, puzzling, sneaking, etc, you
do the same things in those triple A franchises, well in Resident evil you dont, this time around they
tried to make an action game for the western world gamer.. tis true, and this didnt bode well to capcom,
which it has been messing around with several of his franchises, like devil may cry, bionic commando, lost
planet. Anyway hardcore fans are pissed at resident evil 6 and capcom is blaming their faults to an
excessive outsourcing in its games, o well we will see what happens next.
Assassins Creed 3 is one of the biggest letdowns for me, the gameplay feels old now, they are pumping
AC games faster than cods or at the same rate, which is bad, this game had tons of glitches, the story
was really bad, the main missions are same old, track guy, hunt him down, and kill him from behind,the
dialogue of characters was one of the most retarded and badly reproduced, the voice of Connor was
stupid, the voice of the father of desmond was appallingly bad, I dont know if voice actor or the lines of
the character was bad but is was, and in general Connor was a boring main character, with predictable
moves, in the other hand haytham was soo much more interesting than Connor.
 And this is one of the most annoying gameplay mechanics games should never have, AC3 had it several
times and I wanted to tear my control apart and punch my monitor, ok lets say there is a cutscene, right,
then in the cutscene there is a barrel of dynamite like 3 meters from your guy(connor).. then the thing
assplodes and you are dizzy and you cant move right or walk or see or anything and you have to walk like
10 miles with a character that only crawls, instead of running like a gazelle, instead of that the cutscene
could have ended to the recovery of the character and then moving normally, PLEASE game developers
dont do it again, I have seen it in other games and its so FRUSTRATING. Also Assassins creed games
have a fame of being really slow at the beginning and this is no exeption, you have to take the slow start
of Haytham and then the slow start of connor whos real name is howgstrouhskkdvñbla, lol. Another
problem it has is that they put you too often in following quests or missions, you have to follow this guy
to some place and you are just strolling trying not to listen to the boring conversation. Â Sigh,
Anyways, I have to say AC3 grace was the naval missions, OMGWTFBBQ, this was freaking awesome,
thats why we are having AC black flag which is about pirates, the core of that game I bet are those naval
missions, anyways if I had just played pure naval missions I would have said this was the best AC ever
period but is not, it is the weakest, in previous games you had to take control of districts, train assassins,
and go find some awesome tombs, the tombs were amazing on previous ACs and we didnt had that here.
Another problem in AC3 is that the environment that you play on is not fun like in Italy, this looked just
plain boring, navigating through the city wasnt as good and the city didnt felt alive. I hope that they fix
these problems with the next ACÂ because after every AC launch I say to myself, here we go again, like
this is going to be a drag. Anyways it was fun at times , and when I say times I mean on the open sea.
Moving on kitties, last but not least DIABLO 3, make no mistake this was a good game but it has too
many bad gameplay mechanics and game design, maybe it was too soon but we gamers wanted it, I
finished this game 8 times, only 1 in the hardest difficulty, sometimes trying to run from enemies in the
last chapter, the game is fun indeed but the loot is always bad for the average gamer, and here comes
the worst thing ever happened to D3, the auction house, yes, the auction house made it that the
developers forced players to buy gear in  real money action or normal game currency auctions, the game
loot drop the majority of time drops garbage.
 I remember in Diablo 2 or torchlight or whatever action-rpg in your progression you get some good
weapons from loot or you could combine some gems and make awesome gear for the current level, here
you cant, period, I played 3 times Diablo 2 with friends and for me the environment, the sound, the
music, the dialogue, the characters, the bosses were the best, it was a breathing world in its own way
and I could really play some time just for the looting, in this game I cant stand it, I it didnt took long till
I grew tired of it, with the addition of pvp is increases its longevity but not by much.
Ok this is the end of my rant, if you want to talk about other games you thought were going to be good
and wasnt feel free or just reply to what I posted, =D
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