Before i say what im gonna say i'll say this:
I never come into system wars so i don't know wether i'll get sensible responses (i hope so) or just pure fanboyism.
And im not a fanboy btw, i own a PS3 but play my friends 360 most of the time.
What is the 'true' price of consoles in the long run?
Xbox360 - True the console is cheaper than the PS3 but you have to buy a seperate HD/DVD drive, a WI-FI- connector and wireless controllers (not sure about the controllers) you also have to change the batteries in the controllers if i remember right, then the biggest cost of all is the xbox live subscription (which considering this generation will last for an average of 5 years counts for a lot)
PS3 - Expensive to buy right off the bat but there arent any real costs after this, it comes with free online play and a blue ray player built in (which may be pointless depending how the DVD format war turns out), comes with wireless controller also. Other than the initial price there isnt anything else you have to fork out on except maybe a HDMI cable (but the 360 doesnt have one either so thats void)
WII - Cheap as hell to buy (i can't see it lasting through this generation mainly because of limited graphics but meh), things to buy are probably just the additions to the controller (like the golf club addition pack etc) and thats about it as far as i know.
Basically what im trying to say is that i hear people saying the PS3 is way too expensive so buy a 360, but in the end they both turn out to cost you the same (the 360 would actually cost more in the long run)
Anyway, im off
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