The origin of the Helghast:
As it's in the UCN's best interest to support privatization for the sake of finance, they also allow other companies/governments to fund their own colonization projects, but under the strictures of the global (UCN) owners. Some immensely wealthy companies are also able to finance their own colonization, among them the Helghan Corporation, which has made its sizable fortune in energy and industrial refinement.
The loss of the colony ships is a significant financial hit for the UCN. They simply cannot afford to fund another interstellar colonization effort of the same size, and the chances of a smaller colony failing are too high. In a mood of desperation, the UCN opens the bidding on the settlement rights for the Alpha Centauri system. After a highly competitive bidding process they are won by the Helghan Corporation. The post-bidding news is full of allegations of vote fixing and bribery - and much is made of the fact that the Helghan Corporation has a fleet of colony ships almost completed - but nothing is proven. Key to the success of the Helghan bid is underwriting and credit from the IBG (Interplanetary Banking Guild) in return for some 10% of colonial profits once the colony is established.
The journey is difficult at best, and although the 'Ice-Nod' chambers work well they do not work perfectly. 2% of the total Helghan population expires en route. Upon reaching the nearer planet, dubbed Helghan, there is some dismay as scientists realize that life here will be hard. Despite enormous free-energy resources, the eco-system on Helghan is extremely poor. A prefabricated space station is left in orbit around Helghan, staffed with volunteers who stay to seed the surface with automated refineries and power generators. The rest of the ships take a chance on their dwindling resources and push on to the second planet - which they name Vekta, after Helghan Corporation CEO Philip Vekta.
Despite some very rough early years (and numerous occasions when the colony was almost wiped out) the initial Helghan settlers have managed to make the Vektan colony secure. In addition, their space station around the planet of Helghan is perfectly positioned to service ships that pass through Alpha Centauri on course Earth and the new colonies. Starships come here to be supplied, maintained and refueled. Tankers begin to ply the routes between their homeworlds and Helghan, bringing vital energy resources that command top prices. The money starts to roll in, offsetting the need to import comforts, medical supplies and food to the space station.
Communications technology improves to the point where real-time communications are possible between Helghan and Vekta. The government on Vekta establishes the Helghan Protectorate, whereby both worlds are administered from Vekta. Helghan taxes and energy are now pouring directly into the Vektan market without going through the ISA, whilst Vekta provides Helghan with a wider, healthier variety of foodstuffs and luxuries. Employment is at 95% and morale skyrockets on both worlds. A new emblem is created to symbolize the mutually dependent relationship between Helghan and Vekta: three interlinked arms, labeled Peace, Justice and Freedom.
The Helghan Protectorate forms the first legally recognized militia service that is not a direct part of the ISA or UCN/UCA chain of command. They are small and lightly armed, performing only customs, police and ceremonial duties. Nevertheless, the ISA views them as something of a challenge and threat and imposes strict limitations on their size and equipment. In addition, all officers of the Helghan Militia are to be provided by the ISA.
Much of the infrastructure of industry has been laid by now, from turbines to the massive processing facilities in the Helghan wastes. The Helghan Corporation is in possession of vast sums of money and power, earned by selling energy to the passing colony ships, the newly established colonies, and Earth itself. Their presence on Earth has become minimal, with most of their assets and offices located on Vekta.
Due to the increasing complexity of managing the colonies on Helghan and Vekta, the Helghan Corporation decides to set itself up as a civil administration. This expanded charter allows it to take over all local administration duties from the ISA, levy taxes against the entire population, and reorganize all social services. However, they are still bound by strict ISA regulations on ship construction, orbital industries, and the establishment of new colonies on their worlds.
The Helghan government turns in a significant tax-surplus in each budget, stockpiling the money in case of disaster. By 2155, this stockpile has gotten so big that the Helghan Administration makes an offer to the ISA to purchase the Alpha-Centauri system outright. This will allow them to avoid sending their yearly tithe to Earth in favor of a fee-paying system for individual services, such as support of the local ISA Command.
The UCN, which would normally have rejected the offer, is suffering from a shortage of funds. Other colonial endeavors are costing them heavily. The idea of getting a big cash payout up front, followed by negotiable fees - with no requirement for the UCN to underwrite any colonial costs - is too attractive to refuse. The UCN Senate votes to go forward with the Helghan/Vektan purchase by a majority.
Free to tax and invest in their colonies as they wish, a period of runaway economic and industrial growth grips the Helghan Administration's two worlds. The automated refineries on Helghan are expanded and developed; the orbital shipyard becomes the largest orbital structure outside the Terran system.
The Helghan system is a 'hub' system that connects Earth to her colonies - every ship MUST travel through it to get anywhere. The Helghan Administration begins to charge each ship for the privilege. Allegedly a fee for traffic control, customs, search and rescue and other such services, it is actually a thinly disguised tariff upon all trade in space. Helghan-based ships are granted a 'residence permit' that frees them from many charges, encouraging some shipping companies to relocate.
The UCN grows concerned at the increasing domination that Helghan exerts over star travel and space trade, areas which were traditionally under UCN control. They also become frustrated that the Helghan are creating vast wealth off the backs of colonial endeavors that the UCN itself has underwritten. In response, it levies stricter controls and tariffs on all space traffic, and taxes the colonies more heavily than ever before. The money is used to expand the UCA, with the UCA Navy receiving the bulk of the new budget. For the first time the UCA Navy develops large scale troop transports and 'Heavy Cruisers' - warships principally designed to smash the ISA fleets of the outer colonies and invade them by force.
As part of these new regulations, several privileges granted to the Helghan Administration as part of the Helghan/Vektan Purchase are rescinded; specifically, the right to a large home fleet and tariffs on shipping. The Helghan Administration refuses, but does agree to high-level talks on a compromise solution. Back home, however, the wealthy people of Vekta and the powerful companies in orbit around Helghan pressure the Helghan Administration not to budge on the issues of tariffs or self-defense.
Despite multiple attempts to negotiate a settlement, the talks between the Helghan Administration and Earth fail to bring a mutually satisfactory resolution. Earth flat out demands compliance from the Helghan Administration, and the Helghan Administration responds by formally seceding from the UCN, declaring itself an independent colony.
The UCN considers retaliation by slamming an embargo on all trade with Helghan, but this is deemed to be counterproductive. The Helghan could simply prevent trade ships from reaching Earth, in the knowledge that Earth cannot survive for any length of time without colonial resources. The decision is made to send a powerful UCA Navy fleet to the Helghan system, to seize control of the navigation points between the Colonies and Earth. Protecting the flow of colonial trade to Earth would also allow a blockade of Helghan by the UCN, and bring this matter to resolution.
As the situation worsens, the Helghan Administration attempts to first co-opt and then expel all ISA forces from Vekta and Helghan. The ISA Marines and Navy respond with lethal force, and a number of skirmishes erupt on and around the two colony worlds. Despite their overwhelming numeric superiority, Helghan troops are underequipped, poorly trained and inexperienced, allowing many ISA forces to escape the initial fighting. The experienced ISA troops and ships scatter to conduct hit-and-run operations from hidden bases
The UCA Navy fleet dispatched in 2199 arrives at the Helghan system, hooking up with the local ISA ships and quickly moving to secure the navigational points. The main force of the fleet heads to the planet of Helghan for a blockade, but the massed custom fleets of the Helghan Administration attempt to prevent this by engaging the UCA Navy fleet in battle.
The UCA Navy Cruisers prove to be untouchable by the much smaller Helghan vessels. The fleet action is a massacre, with almost the entire Helghan fleet being destroyed or disabled. During the fighting, however, the massive orbital structure is destroyed under mysterious circumstances.
The UCA claim that the Helghan aboard the station fled to the planet below and sabotaged it to prevent it from falling into UCA hands. The Helghan Administration claim that the UCA fired on the station deliberately. The true story never emerges, but as a result of this incident the Helghan Authority declares war on the UCN.
The UCA Navy fleet decides that dropping directly onto Helghan would be a waste of resources and lives. Leaving a picket fleet to watch the planet, they push on to Vekta.
The combined ISA and UCA Navy fleet arrives around Vekta and quickly subdues the remnants of the Helghan Customs Service in orbit. Initially the Helghan Administration threatens to fight to the last man, but after a demonstration of orbital bombardment they quickly yield to the inevitable. The Helghan Administration is shut down; all senior civil servants are arrested, as are any executives of the Helghan Corporation. Many escape into hiding.
When a courier ship returns from Alpha Centauri with the news, the UCN Senate debates the matter. Eventually, it determines that the Helghan are too unruly to ever settle comfortably within the UCN. They also decide that the ISA needs a colony nearby, to keep an eye on the Helghan and stop them from causing trouble in the future. A decision that is little more than outright theft dressed up as diplomacy is drafted, and a broken Helghan Administration can do little more than rubberstamp it. The local ISA takes over administration of Vekta. New colony ships of loyal UCN civilians start to be sent from Earth to expand the Vektan Colony.
The harsh consequences of rebellion are not lost on the other colonies. The UCN's right to regulate and tax space shipping is never challenged again.
Helghan extremists begin a terrorist campaign in an attempt to make the occupation of Vekta too expensive for the ISA. Although the majority of Vektan-based Helghans simply want to live out their lives peacefully, sufficient numbers of the local populace assist the guerrilla movement to enable it to flourish. Bombings, ambushes and shootings against the UCN minority become more common. Vekta is no longer an innocent paradise.
The ISA Governor General of Vekta responds to the growing terrorism by clamping down harder and harder on the local Helghan population. Finally, in desperation, many prominent Helghan families pool their wealth to purchase the old colonizing ships and get them space worthy again. The community appoints a representative to speak with the ISA Governor and request permission for the Helghan to resettle on the planet of Helghan - joining those few souls who escaped there from the transfer station. The ISA Governor agrees and the Helghan exodus begins, shuttling millions of disaffected Helghan from Vekta to the growing Helghan colonies.
Neither the ISA nor the UCN want to foot the bill for establishing this colony, preferring to leave the Helghan to either survive or die on their own merits. In order to legitimize the operation, the UCN formally recognizes the Helghan Administration as a sovereign nation and declares the planet of Helghan to be their territory in perpetuity - subject to ISA blockades and restrictions until diplomatic relations are normalized.
The bleak existence on Helghan is a far cry from the paradise of Vekta. Initial casualties due to illness, storm damage and starvation are very high. Within ten years, though, the death rate subsides as the Helghan begin to adapt to their surroundings. Slowly, a civilization arises from the refugee camps, and token industry and food production starts again.
In 2220 the heads of the various refugee camps come together for the first time to reform the Helghan Administration. 90% of the refugee camps agree to collectivize their resources and labor, in order to cooperate in the rebuilding of their civilization. Disturbing medical problems are found to be common throughout the colony; high gravity, exotic radiation and storms have serious effects on the longevity of the human being. Medical support from the ISA is non-existent, and indigenous facilities are too primitive. The wearing of masks for those who work in the outdoors becomes mandatory. Mask wearing becomes the sign of having a working cla/s/s profession. Even with masks "lung burn" (as the settlers call it) becomes the primary cause of death in Helghan over the age of thirty.
On a positive note, however, vast mineral resources are discovered by the settlers. Mining fast becomes one of the more common jobs on Helghan.
As the colony on Helghan begins to reform the Helghan Administration and secure the basic infrastructure and facilities needed for life, the ICSA (Independent Colonial Strategic Alliance) approaches them offering membership and support. The ICSA is an unaligned version of the ISA, created to allow worlds that decide to go it alone have some sort of support. Despite the ICSA making few demands and offering much help, the Helghan are now paranoid of outside influences and strongly decline the offer.
ISA trade sanctions force the Helghan to trade on unfavorable terms for over a decade, and initial growth of wealth is slow despite the unexpected addition of a trade in minerals. Life is short, hard and painful for the majority of Helghan, as they fight to cope with poor nutrition, poor environment and grueling work conditions and practices. Frequent austerity drives and a Spartan approach to existence allow the Helghan to survive (and even profit) under these harsh conditions, but the more things improve, the more the Helghan become angry at the restrictions imposed upon them by the ISA and meekly accepted by the cowed Helghan Authority.
The third generation of indigenous Helghan are beginning to be born. Helped along by basic genetic conditioning and the harsh environment, they are more suited to the heavy gravity. They also feature lungs that are more efficient against the pollutants on Helghan, and cells that are more resistant to the high radiation levels.
The man who would one day be Autarch is born to a wealthy family of diehard Helghan nationalists. Rumored to be descended from one of the original Helghan Directors, Scolar Visari shows great early promise as a thinker and leader.
Vekta's monopoly of the Helghan trade allows them to develop great wealth, at the expense of reinvestment on Helghan. As the Helghan population increases, more and more of their own wealth is diverted to the feeding and protection of their civilians. This leads to a series of industrial accidents, where expensive machinery is not serviced sufficiently to cope with the harsh Helghan conditions. The resulting downtime that occurs while Helghan pays for the servicing and replacement of its old machinery causes a severe economic downturn that lasts almost 20 years.
Helghan economists blame the depression on greedy Vektan exploiters. Vekta has its own troubles with the collapse of the lucrative black-market trade in Helghan minerals and can spare no resources for a relief effort.
For the first time since 2220, citizens of Helghan die of starvation in the cities.
With the economy in the abyss and Helghan morale below that, a singular and remarkable figure rises to prominence: Scolar Visari I, the eventual self-proclaimed Autarch of Helghan. Visari's ideology is simple and compelling: the Helghan people had once come here as humans, but they are humans no longer. They are different, changed. Changed cosmetically in their travels, changed physically by their residence on the alien planet of Helghan, changed spiritually by the hardships they've endured in every circumstance. The government that has brought them to this end could only give them structure; it could not give them life, could not give them a reason to go on, and could not fully express the magnitude of the transformation. The world has changed us, Visari claims, and now it is our turn to change the world.
Visari's oratorical skill and magnetic personality draws many of the disaffected public to his cause. It spreads among them like wildfire and galvanizes them in a single recognition: that they are one people, one nation, united against all aggressors. More significantly, perhaps, Visari is the first to give voice to what will later become the keystone of the Helghast agenda: their identity as an entirely new and entirely superior race; the 'extra-human' race. He goes on to preach the militaristic, absolutist values that will become the trademark of the Helghast. More importantly, he transforms the value of mask-wearing; once a badge of low station and makes it integral to the Helghan identity. There is nothing shameful in its history, Visari tells the people. It is testament to their fortitude to wear the mask. And the Helghan rally around him, rich and poor alike.
Visari coins the term Helghast in a public speech. Its purported origin is from the Old English word, gast, meaning spirit, or ghost, connoting great fear. Visari states that they are no longer what they once were. Where they were once human and spiritless, their generations on Helghan, their sufferings; these have forged them into a new race, the only truly 'living' race. Whatever the etymology, the name sticks.
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