Something to think about the PS3 and how far it has come. I'll try to keep this short and simple:
So I come to these forums very often and try to keep up with all of the news surrounding the PS3 and its games and such. But lately (once again) the flaming of the console has returned and in a big way. I remember the month of MARCH, it was so good for the console, people were happy, new games were coming out, and the rumble was coming back too. But as the month passed by people again have started to badmouth the PS3, main reason is lack of good games. Games were getting delayed and bad ports such as SC DA and FEAR just added fuel to the fire. Things are getting so bad now that even the PS3 owners are starting to doubt the console and its future.
           So here's what I think the PS3 has accomplished since its launch: If there is one title that is a MUST have for the PS3 owners, is Resistance: FOM, which is the only title that truly delivers the Next-gen feel and its action-adventure which anybody can enjoy. (BTW I'll never buy R: FOM b/z of the motion sickness problem). Another great achievement PS3 has taken is the success of Blu-Ray Format. No offense but the "9.5 Oblivion" has limited success b/c its an RPG game therefore not everybody has bought it.  Other games such as Motorstorm, Tekken 5, Ridge Racer, and Virtual Fighter 5 have been reported good to mediocre by the media and the critics.
           Now to the point, PS3 has all kinds of raw power that easily will last another 5-10 years, but so far developers have made very little use of that power and gamers are still very hungry. Blu-Ray is doing well but I remember somebody saying that some people are happy just with a gaming console, others like myself are amazed by other advanced features of the PS3. So people please do not loose faith in this console b/c even though this is slow start for the PS3, it is a huge console and does need to warm up before it can take over the gaming industry. The future lineup of games for the PS3 is huge and developers such as Bethesda*, Insomniac, Konami, Activision, EA, (people who make Burnout) are learning to work with it and if they can give PS3 a chance (unlike UBISOFT), then this will be a very happy ending for the PS3.
Please write comments and questions and let me know if you guys agree, disagree with me on this.
PS: Already posted this in the PS3 forum but somebody said Post it in SW as well, and so this is my first post in SW ever.
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