If lems are to be believed & Halo killed anything on PS2.....Why did Xbox only sell 22million consoles, while PS2 sold 120million.
You can use the PS2 had the already biigger install base cause of the 18 month head start. But if that is the case, then why, even after xbox released did PS2 ousell the xbox consectutively every month even after xbox, halo & GC were released.
As a metter of fact, most months PS2 outsold GC & Xbox combined.
I saw a post on here saying PS2 already 20-30million consoles sold after it's 18mth head start on xbox. If thee are the true figures, the 360 has almsot no chance of rivalling that figure in the same time frame.
Face it lems, Halo, ain't saving nothing again. And this time one of your biggest selling points, NG, is also showing up to party on PS3. You all seem to think little (sales) fish like DMC are gonna account for PS3's downfall, when the exclusives that MS have already lost & will continue to lose when PS3's install base rises more, should be more worrying to you.
Fact is, the reason why PS consoles always win, is because they cater to a bigger, ,more diverse taste in gaming.
And Sony's 1st & 2rd party developers are the ones that do this best. They have taken over from where Nintendo were once king & leaped over them in all respects.
Forget it lems, MS is again sharing last place with Nintendo, while Sony dominates once again.
I guess ol' wile (bill) coyotee is going back to the ol' drawing board with his acme crew, allard & more.
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