its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
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its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
Add -getting more frequent exclusive releases onto that list and I would consider re-purchasing one.
But 360s don't RRoD anymore.clembo1990
Is that true or are you being sarcastic? I'm not being a prick but it's a serious question.
I sometimes read consumer reviews on products and just yesterday I was reading feedback from consumers for the 360 Arcade and Pro models and seems that RROD is still quite a regular occurrence.
35$/13 Months is nothing. (thats like 2,7$/Month) Don't tell me something like that bugs you lol.. RROD? We are in 2009 now. Better reasons for not buying a console are.. like PS3. They lost most of their great Exclusives and it's still overpriced.Shoooryuken
1. XBL costs $59.99 for 12 months around where I live.
2. RROD is still a problem. Even in 2009.
1. On some online stores Gold is $35 bucks for 13 months, I will definitely invest in it once I get a proper internet connection.
2. RROD has been fixed on the new 360s, just most of the 30 million installed user base has 360s purchased before the new chipsets came out (just earlier this year), which is why we will probably continue to see the RROD afflicting users until the end of time. But rest assured if you buy one now you'll be fine.
i would buy one if i had a more consistant cash stream and the fact i like to go out to gigs a lot xD, so the PS3 is fine for me to be honest, one of the reasons i got it was the fact i would feel i NEEDED to play online all the time with a 360 since Live.
But the only thing holding me back from getting a 360 or a decent computer is the fact i spend my money on other things, and a car and a new bass are above both at this point in time.
You're right. It will never never get RROD. That is like saying the PS3 has a 0% failure rate. It will just never happen. I guess you shouldn't own any console.
while I highly doubt the online will ever be free, the system is practically void of the RROD nowits free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
[QUOTE="d0ubl3sh0t"]while I highly doubt the online will ever be free, the system is practically void of the RROD nowNot unless you consider 10-13% void. MS would have made an official announcement had they fixed it. All they did was lower the cost of the chip set.its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
[QUOTE="clembo1990"]But 360s don't RRoD anymore.KratosTwin
Is that true or are you being sarcastic? I'm not being a prick but it's a serious question.
I sometimes read consumer reviews on products and just yesterday I was reading feedback from consumers for the 360 Arcade and Pro models and seems that RROD is still quite a regular occurrence.
Depends when they bought the 360 :|
its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
The failure rate is unacceptable. I refuse to buy a 360 until they deal with the failure rate. It is really impressive that the 360 is doing as well as it is given this major flaw.
The fee for the online service is acceptable, but of course I'd rather have it for free. But come on, it's not like it costs that much. Also, don't PS3s eat up more power thus causing you to have to pay more in electric bills? I bet that adds up to more than the annual price of the 360's online service.
35$/13 Months is nothing. (thats like 2,7$/Month) Don't tell me something like that bugs you lol.. RROD? We are in 2009 now. Better reasons for not buying a console are.. like PS3. They lost most of their great Exclusives and it's still overpriced.Shoooryuken
Overpriced? I'd call charging for online when the rest of the industry provides it for free overpriced. I'd call the PS3 more expensive, but a better value for your money.
[QUOTE="Shoooryuken"]35$/13 Months is nothing. (thats like 2,7$/Month) Don't tell me something like that bugs you lol.. RROD? We are in 2009 now. Better reasons for not buying a console are.. like PS3. They lost most of their great Exclusives and it's still overpriced.KratosTwin
1. XBL costs $59.99 for 12 months around where I live.
2. RROD is still a problem. Even in 2009.
dang that sucks, i payed less than half of what you guys payed over there!i have a 360. it isn't as bad as u think. i hear u about free online, something i think the 360 should have. people just say it to many times that the 360 has so many problems. i'm only on my 3rd 360. xscott1018LMAO :lol:
[QUOTE="clembo1990"]But 360s don't RRoD anymore.KratosTwin
Is that true or are you being sarcastic? I'm not being a prick but it's a serious question.
I sometimes read consumer reviews on products and just yesterday I was reading feedback from consumers for the 360 Arcade and Pro models and seems that RROD is still quite a regular occurrence.
Hes not lying my elite runs fantastic.Good luck with the first one. But 360s don't RRoD anymore.clembo1990Yeah just treat it well. I bought an Elite recently, not one problem.
Live is $50 a year and then they give you a free month so it is $50 for every 13 months.SparkyProtocolI can easily get 13 months for $33.
its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
The new ones barley RROD and no console is free from defects, ever herd of the YLOD?
Yes its the PS3 RROD.Don't forget that for you to get one, your mom has to drive you to Wal-mart too.its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
[QUOTE="d0ubl3sh0t"]Don't forget that for you to get one, your mom has to drive you to Wal-mart too.Mama don't drive since I broke her legs.its free online and never gets RROD. to bad it wont happen
So would I , actually if I lived in the USA , like most of you , I'd have already bought one , but to deal with customer service (in case of RRoD) here in Brazil is really a pain in the ***.Your customer rights are a lot more advanced than here , really such a shame as this is the area I'm willing to act as a future lawyer :(
1. On some online stores Gold is $35 bucks for 13 months, I will definitely invest in it once I get a proper internet connection.
2. RROD has been fixed on the new 360s, just most of the 30 million installed user base has 360s purchased before the new chipsets came out (just earlier this year), which is why we will probably continue to see the RROD afflicting users until the end of time. But rest assured if you buy one now you'll be fine.
As someone else already said, if the 360 was RROD free, then M$ would have made an official announcement in hopes of driving sales up. As long as they keep the current design of the console, RROD will be an issue. Stop telling people otherwise.
My buddy bought a 360 elite around februray this year and it RROD on him within 2 months, Not very fixed if you ask me.
Paying for online is a scam and a rip off. especially for P2P.
[QUOTE="Shoooryuken"]35$/13 Months is nothing. (thats like 2,7$/Month) Don't tell me something like that bugs you lol.. RROD? We are in 2009 now. Better reasons for not buying a console are.. like PS3. They lost most of their great Exclusives and it's still overpriced.KratosTwin
1. XBL costs $59.99 for 12 months around where I live.
2. RROD is still a problem. Even in 2009.
Find a 13 month Live card online for $30, they're around. "Where you live" is a cop-out. There's no excuse. RROD has dropped to a reasonable level. It's always going to be around, since the RROD shows the user there is a problem, ie think of it as an error code. I know haters want to believe that RROD has never, and will never get better, because that's their only real ammo, but sooner or later, they need to focus on something else.[QUOTE="thirdykal"]
1. On some online stores Gold is $35 bucks for 13 months, I will definitely invest in it once I get a proper internet connection.
2. RROD has been fixed on the new 360s, just most of the 30 million installed user base has 360s purchased before the new chipsets came out (just earlier this year), which is why we will probably continue to see the RROD afflicting users until the end of time. But rest assured if you buy one now you'll be fine.
As someone else already said, if the 360 was RROD free, then M$ would have made an official announcement in hopes of driving sales up. As long as they keep the current design of the console, RROD will be an issue. Stop telling people otherwise.
My buddy bought a 360 elite around februray this year and it RROD on him within 2 months, Not very fixed if you ask me.
Paying for online is a scam and a rip off. especially for P2P.
No one here is ever going to believe the "my friend had a 360 RROD on him" story. It's been posted too many times by haters trying to stir up a mess. And Live isn't P2P. Why not read up on it, and get back to us.Where are you getting your info from on RROD actually being fixed this time? Wasn't the Jasper set supposed to fix it all a long time ago? It seems like every time a new model comes out people on forums say they fixed it but I never see reason to believe it's so. Please excuse my jaded-ness, but it'll take a little more than someone on a message board saying it's fixed to convince me it's fixed. Do we have any real statistics other than some made up statistics BS that Microsoft gave out early on this gen about it only being 5%?1. On some online stores Gold is $35 bucks for 13 months, I will definitely invest in it once I get a proper internet connection.
2. RROD has been fixed on the new 360s, just most of the 30 million installed user base has 360s purchased before the new chipsets came out (just earlier this year), which is why we will probably continue to see the RROD afflicting users until the end of time. But rest assured if you buy one now you'll be fine.
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