Kinect multiplatform confirmed. Video included in link.
Ultimate Kinect hack: Playing Killzone 3 on PS3
Hacker gets Microsoft's motion controller working with PS3
Just checkit out before you scream 'OMG TEH FAKEZORZ" in the comments. Some bloke has actually got Kinect working with PS3. Working badly, mind, but it's a start.
As spotted via Kotaku, this is the work of hacker Shantanu Goel, who manages to navigate the PS3 XMB menu system, execute a game - Killzone 3 - and play it all using hand gestures picked up by a Kinect sensor.
This is relayed to PS3 using magic, wizardry and a little PC program that's apparently in pre-alpha state.
Well, he doesn't so much as play Killzone, rather he makes it move in a completely unplayable way and it doesn't seem to work very well. Baby steps though, people.
Don't believe your eyes? The code, instructions and everything else can be downloaded here, so you can try controlling your PS3 with great difficulty for yourself. Because convenience and functionality is so last century.
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