I'm fairly sure it'll be a great game, but it is being overhyped and getting way too much press (over coverage just kinda burns me out). I loved the first one though, it's arguably as good as MGS4 as far as being a cinematic game goes. Just a great blend of action, adventure, great dialogue, and cinema like experience. Even though it was only about 12 hours long at the most, and with no MP, it was a great experience, the pacing was just right, and the game kept me interested. Not to mention the game was a sight to behold. I think it really helped to establish the PS3 as being a system for more movie like games, just like it's predecessors the PS1 and PS2. Now don't get me wrong, this could be a bad thing, but I really enjoyed the games that do the best at this: Heavenly Sword, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, and MGS4. The PS3's exclusives still have this air about them that 360 exclusives seem to lack. There seems to be more polish, less emphasis on being pure FPSs/shooters, no obsession with co-op (at least this held true with early PS3 games), and I know this may sound cheesy, but more love I guess to. But now with so much multiplatforming (and who can blame them with such high development costs?), and demands from Sony and MS as far as game feature sets go, the unique experiences that moved away from certain genres, or tried to blend them are now being pushed back into the rudimentary mindfield of mindnumbing games................but people seem to love playing another CoD every year (seriously the game hasn't changed much since the original on PC, and arguably it's taken many steps BACKWARDS) or Need for Speed or Tom Clancy game that Tom Clancy has nothing to do with, except having his name slapped on it since it uses the title of one of his older works, and he doesn't even right his own fiction anymore either. So back to Uncharted 2, I guess we should savor the game before it's moved into being a true blue GeoW clone, and it may be our last chance to go on another fun filled, daring adventure with Drake and crew before they get whored out.
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