@i_p_daily said:
@casharmy said:
@i_p_daily said:
@XVision84 said:
I can't remember the last time Naughty Dog said something such as this and didn't deliver.
Either way, even the title is in quotations so it's based off Arne's opinion. However, he was working at Naughty Dog since Uncharted 2 so the fact that he believes this is definitely something worth being hyped over.
When someone who's involved with the company comes out and says something like that, it's best to say ok and judge for yourself when it comes out, but to get giddy like a school girl and make a whole thread out of it is funny.
Just so you don't get me wrong, I'm talking about any dev team making any game on any platform. This is not an attack on this game in particular, but I'm sure some will see it that way.
Damn you seem salty!
Didn't you say you were just a Forza fan and why you chose xbox one over PS4?
But here you are getting all upset over what someone else wants to hype for a game that isn't on the system you bought to play a game other people don't care about. lol
Dude why don't you go make a forza hype thread or something for one of the games you say you like because getting upset and offensive because of what someone else is excited for is way more "funny' than what the TC is doing.
I don't make hype threads, and I find it funny when people take what a dev says like it's gods word, then you get all upset when it doesn't live up to hype.
What does me owning an XB1 because I like Forza have anything to do with this? oh let me guess because I'm posting this about a game coming to the PS4, so I'm salty, yeah I'm salty about a series I've never played, you're a genius. I guess you missed the part where I said ALL devs creating games for ALL platforms, but hey cherry pick the parts that suits your argument.
Just for the record I hope you Playstation guys get the game you hope for.
PS...So you know cashangry I will wait to see how Shenmue 3 and Gran Turismo Sport turn out before I decide to buy a PS4 or not, but hey keep the good fight going though it's hilarious from where I'm standing.
"then you get all upset when it doesn't live up to hype."
lol so you're worried about a game on a system from a series you never played living up to the hype, and you assume it won't live up to what the fans expect because??? lol Derp!
Maybe you are thinking of Quantum Break or something fans of the system you own blew up but failed? You should stick to worrying about the hyped games on your system since that's what you have to play.
"I'm posting this about a game coming to the PS4, so I'm salty, yeah I'm salty about a series I've never played"
LMAO, that seems to be the case exactly. The games on the system you rally behind all flopped so, going by the phrase I bolded, you are upset and mad to see other people on the another system have something to get excited about and you project your defeated feelings of disappointment on to them.
"to get giddy like a school girl and make a whole thread out of it is funny."
This is what you replied to the first guy with.
First of all ND has a pedigree and a level of quality they've earned for themselves that give people the right to get excited for what they say. ND aren't just any old hack devs that no one knows about or hasn't earned a good reputation with fans. You haven't even played any of the games but you talk about not living up to the hype? You are the one sounding funny here.
"you're a genius"
Yeah pretty much.
Hope one of the games you xbros keep hyping to the heavens lives up to the hype one day so you xbox guys can stop being so salty about every game PS fans expresses excitement for since they are so diverse and plentiful it's all I see xbox fans do now :)
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