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Yes, it's one of the reasons.
Along with games like Ratchet and Clank, Unreal Tournament 3, Haze. ANd going back to past great titles like Warhawk and the incredible 2008 for the PS3.
Uncharted a reason to buy a PS3 this holiday?sunnystarz
It's gotten great reviews so far. I played the demo and love it. I never recommend buying a system for one game though. But I think PS3 is worth the purchase for Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Eye of Judgement, Haze, Metal Gear, Wipeout, GranTurismo, Home, Unreal Tournament, Little Big Planet, Final Fantasy, etc... Just some of the PS3 exclusives, that are out or coming soon. We get all the cross plats too and they are starting to look just as good if not better on PS3 as well.
It could be one of many reasons but I can only see 3 system sellers for the PS3 in my opinion:
1. MGS4- The primary and practically only reason I'm buying one come Feb.
2. GoW3- This will probably be PS3's Halo 3. I can definitely see them going through the right channels advertising to hype this up come Holiday 08.
3. GT5- It has always been a cash cow for Sony, and judging by the looks of it, it will be no different. Is it true that the wheel for it is going to be $400, though? (I'm asking if someone knows)
Not listed- KZ2- Just not convinced
no its not.....8 hours of gaming, no matter how good it is, is never a reason to buy a 400 dollar plus system.
THE reason to buy a ps3 is god of war 3
i don't think assassin's creed will do that well here
1. it's a ps3 exclusive, automatic 1 to 2 point downgrade
2. it's not that great of a game
Definitely not,but this looks as though its as good as it gets for cows this winter.Must suck to have only a PS3 at the moment.I really want to get one but the games just aren't there,and not to have a AAAE after more than a year is just pathetic on Sony's part,considering all the pre-launch hype.stvee101
dude reviews are opinons,if you play some ps3 exlusives i bet one will make you think it should have gotten AAA
Definitely not,but this looks as though its as good as it gets for cows this winter.Must suck to have only a PS3 at the moment.I really want to get one but the games just aren't there,and not to have a AAAE after more than a year is just pathetic on Sony's part,considering all the pre-launch hype.stvee101|
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