[QUOTE="SolidTy"][QUOTE="thinicer"]Sony fanboys - "Uncharted looks better!"
Microsoft fanboys - "Gears of War 2 looks better!"
If there is one constant about System Wars, it's biased opinions.
I, personally, think they both look good. Graphics don't matter to me. Only fun does.
Wrong, This was already discussed by more than COWS and LEMMINGS. Hermits, Sheep, and Manticores got in on the action. There were plenty of threads, but one in particular was gigantic. It was already talked about to death.If you didn't care, you wouldn't really have posted, but I think you haven't played and beaten one of the games, so you threw out a comment. Do you even have a good HDTV? Wait, do you even have a PS3? There is an answer.
Let me see if I understand this - I'm wrong that graphics personally don't matter to me? Is that it? So you are trying to say that my personal opinion is invalid and that I do definitely care about graphics?
Well if that's the case, and I do care about graphics, then why do I play a Wii so often? Hmmmm....
And the reason I posted is because I think that this fanboy bantering about graphics when both games look equally good is pointless. And I'm free to voice my opinion on the matter, despite what you may think.
You never even beat Uncharted. Got it. You don't have a PS3, got it.
If you played and beat Both games, and you though GeoW looked better that's fine, but you didn't.
Anyways, You can have an opinion about how looking at graphics is lame. That's fine, but saying that there can't be ONE game over another is wrong. One looks better than the other...which one looks better is varied by User.
You missed an EPIC thread about this topic, what can I say.
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