Some game series fail to get the attention they deserve. FOr every mario, and halo game that sells millions, there are okami's, and other games that fail. All these games deserve attention.
Legacy of Kain, AAA game after AAA game, why hasn't these games been a sucess in the market? All ****cs, all amaszing.
Advance wars, probably the best game series on nintendo handhelds, but gets outsold by virtually everything.
Sly Cooper series (even though the first one sucked) sly 2, and sly 3 was way superior then either jak and daxter, and R&C series. THese games are probably my favorite platforming games, and probably the best besides mario 64, and mario galaxy.
System Shock- enuf said
Thief- Looking glass enuf said
Oddworld-tired of making reasons.
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