Personally, I think the media coverage sucks. Microsoft has been known for its high quality "Bringing it home" programs on Xbox Live, but they have been rather lackluster 'snapshots' or 'highlights' of what happened during the press conference..
Then all the media outlets have crappy, small and/or grainy quality videos of the conferences and even have poor audio quality.. There is a real lack of actual gameplay video, and what IS available is either choppy, dark, grainy or blurry.
Where is the high def fable 2 gameplay video?
When is the high def Gears gameplay video?
Where are the high quality LBP gameplay videos?
where are the in-depth developer interviews?
I dunno, seems like the game media are complaining about a somewhat lackluster E3, but they have no room to talk when their coverage of it sucks even worse.
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