The term hardcore is very contravesry in its definition but in Natal case, it includes alot of stuff coz Natal can do too little stuff :D.
Move is being implanted in almost every game on the horizen, sports, racing, Shooters, adventures, platforms, games like Heavy rain ..etc and may be RTS in the near future, while kinect is being removed from some games that was previously announced to support it like Fable3, the Kinect isn't featured in any of the big MS games as far as i know except Forza.
This TGS, some games were announced for kinect with some short trailers and cutscenes with no gameplay at all, ironically people started all kinds of speculations, "Kinect can do hardcore", " Natal can improve, just wait and see". No it can't.
Face it people kinect isn't meant for hardcore gaming, i can't imagine any hardcore gamer standing in front of the screen clapping, jumping or waving his/her hands like an idiot.
i expect it to sell decently tho, mainly due to its other non gaming capabilities, its games will fail hard, the sales will slow down after short time and them decline.
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