Can't speak for everyone else but I personally found the upgrade from 1440P to 4K was minimal or even negligible the first time playing however when I went back to 1440P from 4K the difference was huge. This is very different from when I upgraded from 1080P to 1440P where I was blown away the moment I saw it. 1440P is a 77.78% jump from 1080P but 4K is a whopping 125% jump from 1440P. Why was I unable to tell the difference initially when I upgraded to 4K, anyone else in the same boat? I guess the question is more so, was upgrade to 1440P from 1080P supposed to be that much noticeable than 4K from 1440P?
1080P = 1920 x 1080 -> 2073600 Pixels
1440P = 2560 x 1440 -> 3686400 Pixels
2160P = 3840 x 2160 -> 8294400 Pixels
Difference b/w 1440p and 1080p = (3686400-2073600)/2073600
Difference b/w 4k and 1440p = (8294400-3686400)/3686400
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