I need to read the story more in depth, but I must say this.
Having been in the military (USMC) and having fought in two combat deployments... Time was pretty damn limited for me as a grunt and even less time while I was attached to recon.
So anyways, my point is this... I would like to know when in the hell a NAVY seal is finding time to play games in the first place... I mean, I know a lot has changed since I was over there at the tail end of Baghdad and both pushes through Fallujah, but what in the hell? Our country continues down the drain economy wise and we are paying Navy SEALS to play games overseas?
I support ALL military members and salute my fellow veterans, but I was asking the question several years ago... "why are we still here" and then I hear something like this?
Look I hate what Microsoft is doing as much as the next person, but if this is your biggest complaint when you are deployed overseas while in an elite special forces... something isn't right.
I played video games exactly 0 times in both of my tours combined, and I only saw some consoles connected in a USO tent on an Army mechanized base ONE time.
Things have changed a lot, what a joke...
However, I don't bash him because grunts/recon and seals are very competitive with each other... it just sounds pretty damn petty.
Makes you wonder why as we continue to drain billions of dollars into a war (HALO wars it sounds like) why our countries don;t pull us out.
This is NOT bashing him or anybody else over there... it still sucks EITHER WAY being away from friends and family, and I know they don't make the decisions but wtf...
I'm not going to lie though, getting paid nearly twice as much on deployment and playing games all day would hve been the shit :P (not saying that is all they do now)
Maybe things have changed to where more support has came into the established bases... I don't know...
However, this is NOT a reason to bash the X1.
*Chesty puller must be rolling in his grave*
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