So....I didn't read this article:
But I watched a video reporting on it.
But appatently...Valve has an "F" for customer service on the BBB. So the other day when so many PC gamers were making fun of that Sony sensationalized report of the guy who's credit card was charged $600 and saying "Is this for the gamers?"........I ask them if they remember these things when they say them.
Like the guy said in the download has nearly completely taken over....and Steam is the 800lb gorilla in that you'd think with all the money they are making and being at the very forefront of this medium....they'd have....some sort of reliable customer service.
Now I've had 2 issues with their customer service....and yeah, it's sucks.
But some guy at Valve says they plan to work on it this year.
So: Valve = by PC gamers.....for PC gamers?
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