L4D is easily one of the best multilayer experiences I have had since I started gaming online back on Delta Force 2. For those of you who don't know the game released yesterday, so go buy it now, you will not regret it. This game is just pure, endless fun. The level design is great, it really feels like a zombie Apocalypse, far more than any resident evil game, save RE2, has done. This is one of the few games that always feels fresh, even after you beat it many times.
The AI Director is one of the best things to come to gaming and more games need it. Depending on how well you are doing it will send massive waves of zombies after you, it will start sending multiple bosses (hunters smokers and bombers) at once, or it might even spawn a tank right in front of you. or if you are doing bad, you may find extra healing items all over. The random spawns and placement of every item in the game makes this game unique, you never know what youll find, or if there will be a door to a room to protect you, even for a short time.
This game is HARD, expert will cripple all but the best gamers, but in being hard this game is also incredibly FUN. I have never had such a blast getting completely torn apart by a game's AI before. sometimes it gets annoying, but if your playing with friends that's no problem because you will be having so much fun it wont bother you.
This game is all about teamwork, playing with a random group might not do so good but if you have a group of friends and have good coordination, you'll be set. You cant go off on your own, remember, in the zombiegeddon there is strength in numbers. Just home your ammo can hold out till the next safe room.
The graphics in this game are very good, sure its a source engine game, but that dosent hold it back by any means. the zombie animations are perfictly done, everythign runs great and there is no slowdown that i could tell.
The Verses made makes this game 100 times better, it puts a second set of 4 people in the spot of the bosses (tanks, hunters, boombers, and smokers) and tasks them with stopping the survivors, each team takes turns being infected and survivors and its score-based who wins the movie. It is a blast, human infected can swarm you like the AI wishes it could.
All in all L4D is one of the best games to come out this gen, sure its not the best looking but it is by far the most fun to play. This game is one that should not be passed up. it is endlessly fun and you will not regret it. I give this game a 9.8/10, points lost because the story almost non-existand outside of safe room wall writings, and that the game ends :(
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