When it comes to multiplatform games, one concern that's often the subject of discussion is that one version looks better than another. For Vanquish, Platinum Games promises that you won't notice any difference between the game's PS3 and Xbox 360 versions.
Posting at Platinum Games' blog, system programmer Hideaki Nakata shared how he went about development for the game:
For the engine powering Vanquish, I tried focusing on all-out quantity. Shinji Mikami, the director of Vanquish, made a number of requests. "I want the game to look unlike anything else out there! I want our battlefields to have the overwhelming feeling of a real battle." I realized the only way we are going to pull this off is with "quantity." More and more enemies are going to have to keep appearing, more and more bullets are going to have to fill the air, bigger and bigger explosions are going to have to ring out… We would need an engine that could pull that off while still keeping the characters and backgrounds rich in detail.
Vanquish's engine is based on work from Bayonetta, but Platinum still made it a point to add several changes to the existing technology to better suit the new game. The PS3 plays lead platform in this cycle, but Xbox 360 owners won't be missing out on anything. "Even the developers on the Vanquish team have a hard time telling the two versions apart at a glance… So no matter which console you have, you have nothing to worry about!" Nakata said.
:[ No SW's fun will be had with this one. Anyways, it sounds like the game it's going to be ridiculous with the amount going on. :] I look forward to seeing it all in motion.
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