Hey everyone, this is my first video game wars thread. Here are the rules and guidlines on how to participate in the event.
Below in comments you will list your TOP TEN FAVORITE first person shooters on any console(you do not need to list the console)
The seven games to reviece the most votes in about a one week time period will move onto the first round.
From there games (one) and games (two) will be bracket one, against eachother. Games (three) (four) and (five) will be Bracket two, against eachother, And finally Games (six) and (seven) will be bracket three against eachother. only one game will move onto the second round. and the tournament will continue in that fashion.
You may only lis tyour top tne favorite first person shooters ONCE. After that you may vote on only one game in each bracket ONCE.
and so on, so without further adieu please, start listing your top ten favorites now.
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