Now, as some of you may know, I love my PC games.
That's why I'm pissed at just how unimaginably stupid Microsoft was with vista.
Now, XP had it's share of problems when it came out, any OS does, but Vista is (at least as far back as I can remember into PC history) the absolute worst Operating System ever released.
It's not finished.
You know those programs you like? 99% chance they aren't compatable.
The Mac commercials weren't joking. Play around with setting all you like, you're getting an average of 17,600 prompts every minute. Cancel or Allow my foot up your $%^ Bill Gates?
This puts us at a problem: Many people just won't buy Vista, and since sooner or later they're gonna stop making games for XP and make them Vista only, it could put a hurtin on PC gaming.
Now, none of this is for sure, and I sure hope that M$ get's off their butts and fixes their broken OS, because I want to be able to play games on my PC in a couple years.
Hands held high in a world of tears I slowly drown.
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