Remember just before the Vita launched, and 3DS had a grand total of 8 AA's? Remember how the 3DS library was being super praised? Yeah, well Vita has that already. Says it all, doesn't it? Not to mention it has the only handheld AAA of the gen, and has a very big chance of getting a second when LBP comes out next month. It's been out year longer and to this day it only has 4 more AA's than Vita. Talk sales all you want. Say it's flopping in sales all you want. Talk about Sony's non existant marketing. But anyone that actually tries to argue the Vita has a horrible games library has absolutely no credibility whatsoever, especially if they're praising the 3DS. And this myth that it has no games coming? I suppose big games like LBP, AC and COD don't count, right? But I wouldn't expect logic or reason here. The majority of the Vita hate is blind. Possibly more blind than the COD hate, and that's saying something.
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