No, but if you don't already have something that can, lul
@davillain- said:
What's the point in me buying this when all the Vita games are coming to PS4?
*Looks into his checking account, I'm broke*
Persona 4 Golden is not coming to PS4.
@Fuhrer_D said:
Do you need Playstation plus for this to play games? Thinking about it so I can play the Vita Valkyria Chronicles games.
No, any games you own you can play on this thing. If you don't own any games, you can buy physical Vita cartridges or go online to the PS Store to get some.
@lamprey263 said:
I was thinking of getting this for Persona 4, but with PS2 BC coming to PS4 I'll pass. Besides, thinking of upgading my 3DS to the GameStop exclusive golden Legend of Zelda New 3DS XL, so I'm ready when Metroid Federation or whatever it's called releases. Plus I still need to grab Devil Survivor 2 if I can still find a copy.
This is far better than getting a New 3DS XL, and I speak as someone who loves his New 3DS XL, and hates his Vita TV- this opens up, if not an entire new library to you, then at least part of it, which does include the best game release of its generation so far. The only thing you don't get if you don't buy a New 3DS is Xenoblade.
@Ant_17 said:
@lostrib:I'm not sure if P4G is enabled for PSTV.
It plays Persona 4 Golden. It would be worthless otherwise.
@lundy86_4 said:
Already done it. It's a pretty decent P4G/PS1 classics player.
I just use it to store my extra Memory Card lol.
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