Because it sold well and they want to work on it even more. Put two and two together and :o *bam* :o, Final Fantasy XIII-2 . Hope that anwsers your question:P
Really though, whoever beat Final Fantasy XIII could see this coming a mile away. The director was even a lead director on FF X and X-2
you would think after the disgrace of ff x-2 he wouldnt bother, sure ff xiii sold well but doesnt mean its a good ff if square listened to their fans they would know that most of them hated ff xiii about the only character that was any good was lightning and she was just a female cloud, the story sucked and the fighting system was bad especially with that damn win button the only reason things where hard to beat in that game was because they piled the monsters with massive hp /rant the last good ff was X so ive lost all hope for square, xiii-2 will be useless and versus might be alright if it ever comes out
All I can say is not everyone hated Final Fantasy XIII.
Sure, I disliked some things about Final Fantasy XIII, but they were ideas and issues that could have been expanded on. Either way, I'm down. Looks interesting. Good for Final Fantasy Fans nonetheless, and you know they'll check it out whether they like it or not.
come on if you are truly a FF fan (as in FF3,7,8,9,10 ) you must admit that the only thing FF xiii did right was pretty graphics i mean the story was shockingly bad the characters where a bunch of whiny morons and it played like a corridor walker (until grand pulse by which time i didnt give a rats ass about any of the characters or what they where doing)
as for some saying they liked ff x-2 im not even going to go there :twisted:
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