This may be a little over most of the readers heads, but I mentioned this earlier. Having worked in Japan i understand that the Japanese run large corporations using an kiritsu modo. A sort of intricate corporate bonding between large enterprises, in situations of potential foreign market penetration these companies bound by the kiritsu modo are willing to make sacrfices on profit in order to help one another. This type of corporate modo genrally tends to favor long term benefits over short term gains. Sony and SE are bound by this kiritsu modo.
Like I mentioned before this is also one of the main reasons why so much of Hollywood has become foreign property, the lack of coporate bonding outside of short term financial gains is the main reason why many large American Enterprises have fallen through out the years. This is primarily why Microsoft finds it so hard break into the Japanese gaming industry, it's something that not even money can penetrate. The idea of helping out another company at the cost of potential profits is insanity in American business, but in Japan it's how they stay alive.
Anyway before I start sounding like an old man, the best way for Americans to understand this Japanese way of business is by reading an novel by Michael Crichton called "Rising Sun" it delves deep into the Japanese business modo and it's kiritsu bonding.
P.S The Spirits Within problem was a good example of Sony fulfilling part of its kiritsu duties, even though at the time it investment and distribution of the film did very little to benefit Sony's bottom line, they reached out and helped when Square needed it most.
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