Warhawk releases August 28th via BRD exclusively for the PLAYSTATION 3 (PSN download delayed until 30th)
Many are quick to dismiss Warhawk as another Shadowrun with no value, but those who say this couldn't be farther form the truth. Just because it doesn't have single player doesn't mean this game will be poor gameplay and value wise! You can purchase Warhawk for $40 over the Playstation Store, or go out and buy the $60 BRD version with comes with bonus video content, the game ofcourse, and a wireless Blu-tooth headset which will finally get rid the silence you find in virtually all PSN online games. Either way, you're getting an excellent online game that will last you years. Yeah I said it! Years! The wireless Blu-tooth headset was actually said to run around $50 alone by the devs at Warhawk, that's got to have some value right there!
The Blu-ray version of Warhawk comes with a wireless Blu-tooth headset. As depicted, WIN.
Being that the BRD version of the game comes with a Blu-tooth headset, it is very clear that the game is to have strong team based fundamentals. Warhawk can support up to 32 players on five huge maps. Tanks, jeeps, turrets, on foot combat/travel, and ofcourse Warhawks make Warhawk a true wartime experience with several great game modes. Warhawk also has strong in-game clan support for those seeking to compete compettitively (such as myself), or if you want to play casually this can be easily accomplished as well as there is always an open game for you to quickly jump into. But why not play with your friends? Up to three of your buddies can play together online or against eachother, on a single PS3!
This one is for all you Gear heads out there. How many times have you been slaughtered by the host becausee of their overpowering connection advantage? Or ever missed that great sniping shot you had because of bullet lag? Frustrating, right? Say hello to dedicated servers!
Warhawk's dedicated servers are actually bajillions of PS3s!
With Warhawk, bullet lag and host advantage are a thing of the past. Solid dedicated servers are to reduce overall lag problems drastically as well. You still have option to host your own games, but you can't host 32 players unless you have the proper bandwith size to, which is a good thing otherwise you'd be getting a very laggy experience. What else does Warhawk bring to the table you ask? How would you like to customize you're own Warhawk (did I mention these things go 600+ MPH?) and pilot? Done! You are offered a nice selection of things to customize respectively for both pilot and Warhawk.
What else you ask again?! I'd be glad to answer. In ranked matches you will be counted for everything. Everything. An unpresidented 2,500 different things will be kept track of as you play the game online. To the number of steps you took, miles/kilometers you've flown/driven/walked, the weapon you're best with, worst with, the total kills, total deaths, amount of times you've killed the man with the flag, the amount of times you've captured the flag, need I go on or do I have to list the thousands of other monitored things? Add that plus an achievement and medal system plus global rankings and you have yourself one hell of a game!
Check out some videos of Warhawk I'd reccomend while you're at it! -
http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/10944 - air combat trailer
http://youtube.com/watch?v=GNXqKcrisEo - Warhawk Multiplayer Design Interview
http://youtube.com/watch?v=2kxwQW0k5cQ&mode=related&search= - E307 Warhawk interview
More information and media can be found at Warhawk's official webiste at www.warhawk.com
PS: This was my first info/countdown thread so don't bust my chops :P. And for those of you who want to play with me feel free to add me if you're getting a headset or will be getting one by the time Warhawk comes out. PSN ID = N1GHT.
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