Seems like it's either Mankind Divided or The New Order.
Thumbs down.
No Mans Sky looks awful
But honestly, Fallout 4 was an ugly game, that takes my pick.
NMS is an indie. You could find about 50 indies that all look shit I think we're talking about big budget titles here. Maybe the TC can set the criteria?
No Mans Sky looks awful
But honestly, Fallout 4 was an ugly game, that takes my pick.
NMS is an indie. You could find about 50 indies that all look shit I think we're talking about big budget titles here. Maybe the TC can set the criteria?
Dunno. They charged 60 dollars for it, and was insanely marketed by Sony. Could be considered AAA with that kind of money put behind it.
Dunno. They charged 60 dollars for it, and was insanely marketed by Sony. Could be considered AAA with that kind of money put behind it.
Well yeah, but that's beside the point.
That is the point? How can that be besides the point when it is the point? Lol
Dunno. They charged 60 dollars for it, and was insanely marketed by Sony. Could be considered AAA with that kind of money put behind it.
Well yeah, but that's beside the point.
That is the point? How can that be besides the point when it is the point? Lol
The point is, if you're really interested in the game but you think it's not worth the price of admission, you either wait for a price drop, wait for it to be worth it (mods and patches), or just get your fill by watching gameplay videos. I'm not saying the game is worth it. There are other free games that do it similarly or better.
Dunno. They charged 60 dollars for it, and was insanely marketed by Sony. Could be considered AAA with that kind of money put behind it.
Well yeah, but that's beside the point.
That is the point? How can that be besides the point when it is the point? Lol
The point is, if you're really interested in the game but you think it's not worth the price of admission, you either wait for a price drop, wait for it to be worth it (mods and patches), or just get your fill by watching gameplay videos. I'm not saying the game is worth it. There are other free games that do it similarly or better.
What does any of that have to do with graphics?
uhh.... can we really call it next gen? We're 3 years into this gen now I don't think we can call it next gen anymore. Next gen starts next year with NX.
Mad dog mcgee.
We're currently in a middle of a gen so it's not "next gen" it's "current gen". The 3ds successor will be the start of the new generation while all the console like neo, Scorpio are merely upgrades in the same vein as the N64 expansion pack.
I'd say No Man's Sky.
Mankind Divided looks damn good on PC. I fiddled to get it running close to 60fps fairly consistently... Mix of High/V.High and things like Contact Hardening Shadows set to "On" as opposed to the highest setting. Also, **** their AA solution, turn that bitch off and there's still minimal aliasing.
Mankind Divided looks pretty good on PC
Fallout 4 gets my vote given that is also runs rather poorly and the character models/animations are impossibly dated
The new King of Fighters looks like dog shit. While the genre has never really been at forefront of graphics, it really is sore on the eyes. I much prefer the hand drawn style of KoFXIII.
Maybe not at the forefront, but you definitely had your lookers. Tekken was always an amazing looking game, so was Virtua Fighter. Recently Guilty Gear looks amazing, and yeah KOF13 had some awesome sprites. SNK's sprites in general have always been divine, so the visual direction of 14 is a bit tough to accept.
I'm sure we'll all agree that GT Sport is the worst once it releases.
That game seriously looks like trash from what we've seen so far. #NoCompetitionForForza
The new King of Fighters looks like dog shit. While the genre has never really been at forefront of graphics, it really is sore on the eyes. I much prefer the hand drawn style of KoFXIII.
Maybe not at the forefront, but you definitely had your lookers. Tekken was always an amazing looking game, so was Virtua Fighter. Recently Guilty Gear looks amazing, and yeah KOF13 had some awesome sprites. SNK's sprites in general have always been divine, so the visual direction of 14 is a bit tough to accept.
Yeah they definitely had they lookers. To add to that, Dead or Alive 3 and 4 all looked fantastic for their time. I've always liked the art direction Street Fighter took with IV & V.
But man, KoFXIV looks like an early last gen title. I think that KoF: Maximum Impact looked better for it's time.
How can anyone say Halo 5? Fanboys I'm sure.
It looks like it was made for Xbox 360. The graphics were toned down to ridiculous levels so the game ran at 60 fps in multiplayer which was the sole focus of the game right from the start.
If you played it, I wouldn't have to explain this to you.
The new King of Fighters looks like dog shit. While the genre has never really been at forefront of graphics, it really is sore on the eyes. I much prefer the hand drawn style of KoFXIII.
isn't KOF games considered indie for life?
If we're not counting indie crap like NMS and only AAA it's got to be Halo 5.
Oh now you've done it, the dogs will be at your throat shortly.
Can we add one 'stupidest thing to do graphically in a game ever' point to this discussion while we're at it?
Mankind Divided Adam Jensen yes let's give him a 'me too' 2016 beard and make him look like an absolute fukkwit. How to completely ruin one of the coolest characters in videogames ever.
Something with lots of post processing and chromatic aberration.
I actually think New order looks good at times, not really bad, the evil within on the other hand...
@blueinheaven: I have played it.. Hours of it actually. My gamertag is Primorandomguy if you don't believe me. Have you played the campaign? It's actually a looker. To say Halo 5 is the worst looking new gen game is not only plain false, but fanboyish.
Where did you get that Deus Ex screenshot from, Xbox One? It looks much better than that on PC. Unless, of course it's low settings because it's certainly nowhere near Ultra.
Probably Fallout 4, if we're only considering AAA titles here. The engine is abysmally outdated and ugly. The game's quite good but in this day and age, there's no reason not to have both.
Lots of games on the Xbox One. Halo 5, Dead Rising 3 and Lococycle comes to mind. You don't see such uglyness on the PS4 because the system isn't as weak.
Fallout 4
Lots of games on the Xbox One. Halo 5, Dead Rising 3 and Lococycle comes to mind. You don't see such uglyness on the PS4 because the system isn't as weak.
3/10 Not your best work
Mankind Divided may have apalling lip-synching and jarring animation but the majority of it looks really good. The lighting is amazing at times.
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