Ok, so with this gen we saw the continuation of the "hacking" gimmick that's been in a lot of games. You know, press this, press that, move your stick, do it in a short period of time. It's been done to death already. So what I'm not getting here is why people are so excited about a game like Watch Dogs where the gameplay REVOLVES around hacking. Am I the only one that sees this as a boring idea? By the way, my perception is that people are really hyped for this game, I could be wrong. Just judging from what I read.Â
Can you give us examples of these "lots of games" that have employed some form of hacking game mechanics?
Off the top of my head, Deus Ex HR and Mass Effect come to mind. Maybe you can count Bioshock, though a pipes mini game doesn't seem that in line. Still hardly "lots".
Dead Space 2 and 3 has hacking as well, but only use it sparingly. I LOVED the hacking Deus Ex HR so if Watchdogs can even come close to that it would be amazing....I doubt it will because it seems a bit dumbed down.
In video games, "hacking" in comes different forms. It can be a puzzle, it can be trying to open something under a certain time, it can be trying to possess someone or something. It's really just the idea of pressing a certain combination of buttons, using QTE, using a certain power, etc. In Bioshock Infinite, you can hack the item machine just by using one of your powers. You can also possess an enemy. And this gimmick has been prevalent in many games, the oldest game I can think of off the top of my head is Ratchet and Clank from the PS2 era. Sly Cooper also had it during the PS2 era. Most recently, I can think of Killzone Mercenary, "hacking" is even one of the multiplayer modes. You have to hack a "node" without getting shot to earn points. In the Fallout games you can hack computers and security doors. Heck, one of your skills is the Science skill which can be used to hack better. Then there are games like Rage, where when you die you have to press the buttons at the same time to prevent death. Is that a form of "hacking"? Well, you can say it's QTE, but it's still the same idea. Press buttons at a certain time. The point that I was making is that this gameplay mechanic to me is not that exciting, and if this is being touted as the best thing about Watch_Dogs, then I'm not really interested.Â
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